ハロー、快晴のロンドンから(本当に良い天気!) | ダイアナ湯川オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba





よく働き、よく遊ぶ? そうこなくちゃ:-) 新しいカクテルバーが住んでる場所の近くにオープンしたので行って来ました。


とっても美味しいんです!飲み過ぎないようにしなくちゃね ;)

Hello from a sunny (yes, sunny!) London.

In amongst my time in the studio over the last week or so I have tried to
get out in the sun as much as possible. All of you who know London will know
that it is not famous for being sunny here. To top it all off, Wimbledon
Tennis is on... and Andy Murray is still in! Go Murray!

Work hard and play hard? Yes please :) A new cocktail bar has opened up down
the road from where I live in London and for the first time I had a Candy
Floss Cocktail... have you had one before? Yummy! Just don't drink too much

Bye for now :) xx