Greener Pastures EP3 | Downhill Skateboarding Wired

Greener Pastures EP3

In the search to find the most challenging roads in Switzerland, EP3 highlights the supreme variety found, but on one hill. Oh yeah, and a gondola to the top!

While free riding, a multitude of things can capture your focus, i.e., position of other riders, rough pavement, vehicles, guard rails, debris, what's for lunch, etc.
Focus and comfort in ones riding comes when these thoughts are subdued, when one finds their 'flow'.

In EP3 the riders talk about their experiences with accidents and injuries. The message is simple. Being attune to the dangers involved in a situation will lower the risk. Riders sacrifice so much for a lifestyle which is important to them. As Samy Cantieni states "I would never trade anything for all I have lived through, thanks to skateboarding."

By this point the Greener Pastures crew had become more comfortable riding close together, with the European style of road construction, the pavement and what we as a group felt this project represents.

EP4 Landscape coming on December 13th.


Yoshinori Takuma