




Shibuya's new law.
Normally I do not talk about this topic, but I will this time.

Same-sec couple registration. This new law is okay for the time being, however, we all know what the next step will be. Same-sex marriage.

The same-sex laws are fine in America, Canada, ecc, but bad in Japan. Japan is a special special country. Just like Korea, Thailand, ecc. Not that large of a country. If Japan passes a Same-sex marriage law, there will be many gay people coming to Japan from overseas. They maybe here for work or for tourism, however, many of these people may try to abuse the system. They may try to get married to obtain a long-term visa

Thats the worst. A fraudulent marriage.

Therefore, in terms of same-sex marriage (If foreigners are allowed), I say "NO". However, if the law applies only to Citizens, Permanent residents, or has no effect on one's visa status (In other words a visa may not be granted - No relationship with Immigration) Then I say, "OK". No bad things this way.

I've thought long about this and have spoken with many people. This is the decision.