Laugh & Peace チャリティー英語落語会 Rakugo in English!!!! | DavidオフィシャルブログPowered by Ameba

Laugh & Peace チャリティー英語落語会 Rakugo in English!!!!

笑いで世界と友好的な関係を作り、世界の平和を目指す英語落語のLaugh & Peace活動。



Rakugo performance provides laughter and friendly relationship with the world. The purpose of English Rakugo activity, "Laugh & Peace" meets Enije this time. Enije is an organization to establish education system for children in Ghana. The profit of "Laugh & Peace" Rakugo show will be donated to Enije. Thank you for your support!

出演 大島希巳江 Performers: Oshima, Kimie
ゲスト 立川志の春 Tatekawa, Shinoharu
    矢野デイビッド Yano, David

5月28日(水)Date: May 28, 2014 (Wed.)

18:30開場 Time: 6:30 pm (open door)

19:00開演 7:00 pm (start)

場所 深川江戸資料館 小劇場 Place: Fukagawa Edo Shiryo-kan
3 minutes walk from A3 exit of "Kiyosumi Shirakawa" station on Ooedo-line or Hanzomon-line

金額 2,500円(当日3,000円)全席自由
Tickets: ¥2,500 (in advance), ¥3,000 (at the door)

Application for tickets

お問い合わせ 英語落語研究会
contact or for more information:

プロフィール Profiles of performers

大島希巳江 (Oshima, Kimie)
現在、中学校英語教科書の「New Crown」に英語落語を平和活動として行っている活動家として掲載されている。

English Rakugo performer since 1997. She has performed Rakugo in over twenty different countries including non English speaking regions such as, Israel, Turkey, Malaysia, Germany, Pakistan, Philippines, etc. Currently she is a professor at Kanagawa University. Graduated from University of Colorado at Boulder, M.A. in Intercultural Communication, Ph.D. in Education and Sociolinguistics.

矢野デイビッド (Yano, David)

Model and actor. He has worked on many TV commercials and programs such as UNIQLO, Intel, and Recaldent. He is also an exclusive musician with a taste of Ghana. He is the founder of Enije which is an organization to support education for children in Ghana. His activity varies from charity football league to concert for the foundation of schools and education system in Ghana.

立川志の春 (Tatekawa, Shinoharu)
2012年9月シンガポールにてSingapore International Storytelling Festivalに参加。2013年1月より半年毎にシンガポールで単独公演を実施。月例独演会「TUESDAY NIGHT LIVE」を開催中。2013年10月NHK新人演芸大賞<落語部門>本選出場。

Rakugo performer since 2002. He spent seven years in the states during his childhood, graduated Yale University. After his successful carrier as a business man at Mitsui Bussan for three and half years, he turned his carrier as professional Rakugo performer. He participated in Singapore International Storytelling Festival in 2012. Holds monthly Rakugo show "Tuesday Night Live".


Both classic Rakugo stories and modern Rakugo stories will be performed.