11月17日、IMAのフリーマーケット第二弾がありま〜す! | DavidオフィシャルブログPowered by Ameba


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20% かつしかネットワーク http://www.katsushika-network.com/
20% りんご野 http://ringono.com/
20% Enije http://enijeproject.com/
40% IMA


〒110-0016 東京都台東区台東2-26-8若林ハイム


#1  手作り焼き菓子などを作ってこれる方(ご近所さんもふらっと立ち寄れるスイーツ系等をお願いします)
お菓子の他に食べるのに必要なフォーク、ナプキン、カップ等も持参をお願いします。そして簡単な材料(アレルギーがある方の為に)と作られた方の名前を小さい紙に書いて来て下さい。もし希望される方はSuzie NakagawaまでFacebookでメッセージをお願いします。

#2 50分のワークショップをして下さる方 地球への癒し、私たちへの癒しはIMAの哲学でもあります。ワークショップの内容はあなたが情熱を感じている事、IMAの哲学に沿っているものであればどんなものでも結構です。興味のある方はLiane WakabayashiまでFacebookメッセージをお願いします。

#3 ワークショップに参加して下さる方 当日朝来てどしどしワークショップの予約を入れて下さい!スペースが限られているため定員になりしだい受付を締め切らせて頂きます。ということは早いもの勝ち!前回はあっという間に全てのワークショップがいっぱいになり、大変人気でしたよ。

#4 フリーマーケット出店者 古着、アクセサリー、キッチン小物など、よい状態の物でお願いします。出店希望の方はKris KondoまでFBメッセージをお願いします。

#5 お客様! 美味しい手作りスイーツを買ったり、自分の宝物をフリーマーケットで見つけたり、様々なワークショップで素晴らしい先生、ヒーラー、ミュージシャン、アーティスト、マッサージ師からの教えや施術を受けたりしてみませんか?たくさんの方々のお越しをお待ちしております。


IMAの哲学でもあるリサイクル、フリーマーケットや古着屋を活用する事は、環境によい影響を及ぼすことにもつながっていきます。あなたが使わないものが誰かの宝物になるかもしれません。Dear Friends,

You're warmly invited to the next IMA FLEA MARKET, BAKE SALE and WORKSHOP, to take place on Sunday November 17th. The last event helped raise nearly ¥370,000 for IMA activities to support the people and recovery efforts in Tohoku, focusing on the Takidashi meals for a community of eldery evacuees in Kazo City in Saitama.

Thank you all for an amazing turnout exceeding our target! For the 11/17 Flea Market we will continue to raise money for Tohoku in various projects and others where our support makes a difference.
The donations go to:
20%  Katshushika Network http://www.katsushika-network.com/
20% Ringono http://ringono.com/
20% Enije http://enijeproject.com/
40% IMA http://www.intrepidmodeladventures.com/...

This time we have 3 event leaders; Suzie Nakagawa is waiting to hear from you about your contribution to the bake sale, Kris Kondo is the contact for selling your items and procedures for setting up a stall at the flea market, and Liane Wakabayashi for presenting a one hour workshop or event. We're anticipating another full day of buying and selling, eating fantastic baked goods and learning, all for a good cause.

This event is from 10am until 6pm in Okachimachi, at
Wakabayashi Heim 2-26-8 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0016
Phone:090-4956-9228 Japanese 090-4122-6626 English

Map is here: http://www.yobou.org/english_frame....

We're looking for 5 types of participants:

1 BAKERS! Who can make delicious edibles that will surely attract the old downtown folks to come pop in for a look as well. For those who will be bringing Baked Goods, PLEASE bring the necessary utensils, paper plates, napkins, cups or whatever you need to serve your food with so that people may enjoy it. Also please write on a little sign or piece of paper your name and ingredients of your creation so people will know who made it and what is in it. "To avoid any allergic reactions and such." Please contact Suzie Nakagawa for baking donations.

2) WORKSHOP LEADERS to donate your talent, enthusiasm and expertise in a 50 minute workshops related to the causes that IMA stands for--healing the planet, healing ourselves. The workshops could be anything that you feel passionate about in these areas. Please contact Liane Wakabayashi on Facebook to send in a brief writeup and bio about yourself for your proposed for workshop.

3) WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS We need you to come early on the Flea Market day to reserve your space for workshops. They're all on a first-come, first-serve basis.. The workshops filled quickly last time so please do come early to sign up and not be disappointed.

4) FLEA MARKET VENDORS! Set up a stall and sell your items in good condition --clothes, jewelry, kitchen and household items, etc. Please contact Kris Kondo on Facebook.

5) CUSTOMERS! Buy the delicious handmade baked goods, treat yourself to amazing bargains and sign up for one of a kind sessions with some of the hottest teachers, healers, musicians, artists and estheticians here in Tokyo.

ARE YOU COMING? Please let us know so we can be prepared for you. At the last IMA Flea Market more than 200 people attended and we hope you'll be one of the returning or new customers on 11/17. We'd appreciate knowing that you're coming via this event invitation.

Some rules about the Flea Market and selling your unwanted things.
#1 Everything you do not sell MUST go back home with you. This is the most important rule.
#2 Whatever you sell should be in good condition. Nothing should be sold if it's broken. So please check your electronics if you happen to want to sell some electronics. Clothing that is bad condition might not be a good ideal.
#3 You can choose whatever price you like and what you sell the money goes to a cashier who will handle all the donations.
#4 You do not have to be there all day, you may leave things to sell at someone's stall, but you would need to return to pick up any unsold items. Or figure out a plan with another vendor to collect your stuff and return it to you.
#5 Anything can be sold but please keep in consideration that it is approaching winter and a bathing suit might not be a popular item. The bigger the item the more work you might have to do when bringing it all the way back home. The space for the flea market is not huge.
#6 Things that could be good to bring:
Clothing, shoes, nice appliances, Kitchen accessories, CD's, DVD's, Jewelry, Books, Art, Sports Equipment, etc.... As part of the philosophy of IMA we would like to make people aware that recycling, flea markets, used clothing stores are a great way to reduce the effects of our environmental foot prints. One person's trash can be someone's treasure!