「非ネイティヴ英語話者が書かれた英文のメモを取ること」を想定しての実験 … 2021年6月1 | 個人用途の新速記法 EPSEMS(エプセムズ)

個人用途の新速記法 EPSEMS(エプセムズ)

 草書派理論(CURSIVE THEORY)に基づく

《 「非ネイティヴ英語話者が書かれた英文のメモを取ること」を想定しての実験 … 2021年6月15日 》

「非ネイティヴ英語話者が書かれた英文のメモを取ること」を想定しての実験→英語スキル不足のために知らないスペルを持つ語や知らない固有名詞等はスペルどおりに書くしかない ;) 

「4K、10am」の下に書かれている線は、「速記符号 S + P(=SPELLを意味する)の途中まで」を書くことで「スペルどおりに書かれている」ことを示しています。

「Dovedale」の下に書かれている線は、「速記符号 S + P(=SPELLを意味する)の途中までを書きつつそのまま左方向へ戻る」ように書くことで「スペルどおりに書かれており、かつ固有名詞である」ことを示しています。


Experiment assuming that "Note-taking of written English by non-native English speakers" → Words with unknown spelling or unknown proper nouns etc. due to lack of English skills can only be written exactly as spelled;)

The character written just below the "4K, 10am" indicates that "this is written exactly as spelled" by writing "halfway through the shorthand characters S + P ( = which means SPELL)".

The character written just below the "Dovedale" indicates that "this is written exactly as spelled and is a proper noun" by writing "halfway through the shorthand characters S + P ( = which means SPELL) and returns to the left side".

And when it is difficult to write by connecting the consonants and vowels of shorthand characters, lift the pen to write with a slight gap.


【 TEXT :  4K Dovedale to Milldale 26th Best British Walk, English Countryside
No talking, just walking. Exploring the English Countryside. A nice gentle walk along the River Dove. Starting in Dovedale, crossing over the well known and popular Dovedale stepping stones, and following the river all the way to the small village of Milldale. Started this morning walk very early to beat the crowds of people that sure enough were there on the walk back. Come 10am the place was heaving with people. It was nice to walk this very early and in peace! 】(文章は、YouTube "4K Dovedale to Milldale 26th Best British Walk, English Countryside" より引用)