"PDF_  Heal Endo: An Anti-Inflammatory Approach to Healing from Endometriosis


In Heal Endo you will learn                                What Inflammation Is, and Why Endometriosis is an Inflammatory Disease Endometriosis is not a period problem! It's really a body-wide disease of inflammation, rooted in immune dysfunction. Learn what this means, how endo is more like acne or autoimmune diseases than it is a 'period problem'     How Diet Influences Endometriosis While we hear about diet to manage symptoms, in this section you will learn how diet should really be considered a helpful tool in beginning to conquer this disease! Learn about the essential nutrients needed to quell inflammation and re-regulate the immune response, how blood sugar levels affect endo behavior, and which triggers to consider removing.     How Lifestyle Influences Endometriosis Chemical exposure, stress levels, quality of sleep, and movement are all imperative for good health. But, did you know they're also essential to heal from a chronic inflammatory disease like endometriosis? Learn 