"[READ DOWNLOAD]  Heal and Prevent Autism: Natural Solutions That Work


In Heal and Prevent Autism Natural Solutions That Work, Karen Ranzi, M.A., CCC-SLP, Speech Pathologist and Holistic Health Coach, looks deeply into toxic exposures children are faced with daily. Toxicity overwhelms the child&#8217s physiology resulting in a toxic load. Heal and Prevent Autism explores research on the causes of autism and reveals opportunities to help avoid and/or escape the autism spectrum if desired. Focusing on a healthy immune system cannot be left out as usual. Heal and Prevent Autism Natural Solutions That Work emphasizes a plant- powered lifestyle both for prevention and turning around autism symptoms. Chapters include heavy metal detoxification, role of the gut microbiome, plastics, nutritional deficiencies, environmental toxic chemicals also in personal care products, raw plant foods positive role against autism and other neurological disorders, how eating choices affect behavior, exploration of essential fatty acids, solutions for EMF radiation, natural cure 