
龍婆沙礦生於佛歷2481年2月3日,很小的時候父親就過世了,從那以後,無法繼續學業的他便開始向高僧們拜師學藝,因此出家之前龍婆沙礦就已經是位法術高強的人了。在眾多的師父中龍婆添給了龍婆沙礦很大的幫助,他經常教導龍婆沙礦:“做人是要讓別人尊重,而不是讓別人害怕”。之後,為了向龍婆添學習更多的法術、經文符印、禪定和佛理,龍婆沙礦在佛歷2501年6月4日在龍婆添的Wat Lahan Rai出了家。
Luang Phor Sakorn of Wat Nong Krub, Rayong province was born on 3rd February 1938. He studied magic and supernatural with Mr. Lor and Mr. Thad when he was young. Also, he regularly served Luang Pu Tim of Wat Lahanrai. 

             在學會了恩師的所有法術後又苦行去過很多地方學法,最遠的時候曾到過緬甸。最後在他修行完成後在Wat Nong Krap當上了主持直到2556年9月18日圓寂,歷經了50多年的僧侶生涯。
Luang Phor Sakorn passed away on the 18th of September 2013 after being ill for some time due to emphysema. 


由於人緣名師龍婆添是龍婆沙礦的老師,也是龍婆添在世時所說的唯一一位能夠代表他的高僧,還跟龍婆坤 (LP Koon)等多位在世高僧一起修過法,所以師父的聖物在泰國特別的受歡迎,每次一推出就被請供一空。
As he grew into a young man, he gained possession of supernatural powers, which he never used to destroy others, but always to help his peers. He was ordained at the age of 20 at Wat Nong Krah. After that, he went to Wat Lahanrai for the Buddhist Lent, when he became a disciple of Luang Pu Tim in order to dedicate himself to learning holy disciplines and Buddhist supernatural powers from Luang Pu Tim.

曾有一位叫做Navi Yotin的軍官向龍婆沙礦師父請過一尊佛牌,這尊佛牌是師父放入缽裡烤過後才讓他佩戴的。有一日他在林中不小心踩到地雷,可是地雷不但沒有爆炸,這位軍官整個人還漂浮了起來,其他的軍人看到後緊張地過去觀察這位軍官,不料這位軍官身上一點傷也沒有,眾人頓時都很驚訝,並對龍婆沙空師父非常感恩。
Luang Phor Sakorn succeeded in making the amulets and magic from Luang Pu Tim, who has demonstrated an exquisite spirituality and incredible Buddhist supernatural powers. Luang Phor Sakorn studied until he had developed a clear understanding of these matters and performing them. Then he had developed an experty in the supernatural matters that he had studied, a love of these aspects led him to seek instruction from the Venerable Father Peng Sasano at Wat Lahan Yai.



“目前的社會很危險。。。有太多的選擇不管是好的或不好的。。。因此,在日常生活中,面對周圍的事物,真的是很危險,也很可能會迷失。 ” 
 Luang Phor Sakorn received advice from the Venerable Grandfather Tim to go and study with Luang Pu Hin at Wat Nong Sanom, during which time he was blessed by the Venerable Grandfather Hin's imparting of his knowledge. After his study of the supernatural with the Luang Pu Hin, Luang Phor Sakorn traveled to study with Luang Phor Som at Wat Ban Chong, until he had completed.


Luang Phor Sakorn further studied with various and many great masters in the use of supernatural powers including both monks and laymen. In 1965, Luang Phor Kliangtham Thiyo, the ninth Abbot of Wat Nong Krub, passed away and the inhabitants of Nong Krab travelled to see Luang Pu Tim at Wat Lahanrai in order to entreat for the return of Luang Phor Sakorn Manunyo to become the Abbot of Wat Nong Krub. Even though he had become the Abbot of Wat Nong Krub, he did not forsake Luang Pu Tim as his mentor and often returned to pay respect and always see to the care of Luang Pu Tim, until Luang Pu Tim passed away in 1975 at the age of 72 years old.