チャットアプリ·ロビンは暗号通貨GBTが貯まりますm(_ _)m | 凡暗(ボンクラ)兄弟に告ぐ!Powered by Ameba

凡暗(ボンクラ)兄弟に告ぐ!Powered by Ameba


私の属するロビングループより情報が回って参りまして、私全く無知だったのですが、何やらAmazonで買えるらしいのですが、『月刊仮想通貨』とやらが出版されているそうでm(_ _)m

それの11月号だかに、ロビンで貯まる暗号通貨GBTのベースコインである、リアが取り上げられているそーですm(_ _)m

LINEでの情報取り扱いには十分に気をつけなければなりませんm(_ _)m


リア、BTC、イーサ何でも格納出来るウォレットはコチラからm(_ _)m↓


これから世界中の人にGBTを使って遊べるコンテンツを提供していくTRIAM network情報はコチラ↓




When Robin chats once a day, it is application to get a crypt currency little by little

It is application to protect your privacy superior in security

In a site called TRIAM network, a code currency called GBT(Green BOX token) will circulate in the near future and can enjoy various contents

In the contents, I plan the game contents to increase GBT such as a public lottery with the probability to be more than half or a binary option more

I have people of the world spend Japan for the first on the list from now on, and there is Robin by a plan to have you use GBT and TRIAM network for people of the world almost as same as Facebook and INSTAGRAM

Test operation of chat application "ROBIN" started! !

Although it is a free SNS application, it has a 55-country automatic translation function, a disappearing chat.
Is your SNS safety ? Our SNS can arrange disappearing time. You don’t need worry anymore SNS of privacy information leak. 

After downloading, start application, select" FreeMember".
Invitation code"A3403076"
Please give us cooperation as it will feed back smoothly if you put in.

#暗号通貨世界 #ロビン #ROBIN  #RIA #ETHERLIUM #bitcoin #BTC #GBT #GreenBoxWorld #TRIAMnetwork #Amazon #cryptcurrency #Ripple #神案件