Are you still cringing at those antique memes, the ones that belong to the bygone era of 2012? I mean, 8220me gusta8221 and 8220trololo8221 as 8220dank8221? Nah, that ain8217t it We hear you, fam, and we8217re here to take your meme game to the next level AGAIN Welcome back to the second volume of our wild internet adventure going way past the basic stuff and diving deep into the unexplored realms of online culture In the first volume, we flipped the script on what it meant to be dank, giving you a collection of memes that stuck around in your head longer than your last Netflix binge But we8217re not here to dwell on the past we8217re here to evolve, to usher in a new era of meme culture This time, we8217ve dug even deeper into the bowels of the internet to bring you memes that are not just dank they8217re dynamite These memes are the product of tireless scouring, countless hours of digital archaeology, and the pursuit of the finest specimens from the annals of meme history This ain8217t your runofthemill meme collection this is a memevolution, baby Muah