国連食糧支援、放射能汚染された食材を購入し途上国の給食支援事業へ | 脱原発の日のブログ


12月8日は1995年、もんじゅが事故を起こして止まった日。この時、核燃料サイクルと全ての原発を白紙から見直すべきだった。そんな想いでつながる市民の情報共有ブログです。内部被ばくを最低限に抑え原発のない未来をつくろう。(脱原発の日実行委員会 Since 2010年10月)



外務省国際協力開発協力総括課 03-5501-8000

UN Food Program To Buy Contaminated Food, Send To School Lunch Programs
March 31st, 2012 |

This plan has been bouncing around Japan’s government for months. They think it would be a good idea to send canned fish caught in Tohoku region (the area near Fukushima Daiichi) as food aid.
Various groups in Japan have been fighting the government to stop this from happening. The government has ignored the pleas from people to not do this and will proceed with sending this fish as food aid.

Why is this a problem? The fish in the region is largely all showing up as contaminated to varying extents, some incredibly high. Most of this was landed and processed last year under the 500 bq/kg upper limit of contamination. So what is in those cans is very likely contaminated and to a considerable level.

The UN World Food Program has agreed to purchase 1 billion yen worth of seafood from the region to be used in school lunch programs in developing countries like Cambodia.
“The fish cans will go to Cambodia and 4 other countries and will be used in school lunches to feed school children.”

The Japanese government says they will only send fish that is “without any worry of safety”. Of course that means below the maximum contamination levels. The government claims they are doing this to “dispel baseless rumors” about food contamination in Japan. Anyone who has been closely following the food contamination problems in Japan knows how Orwellian that statement is.

Children in Tokyo were showing up with radioactive cesium in their urine in October 2011, likely caused by their diet. Consuming contaminated foods creates an internal radiation exposure that is far worse than external exposures. Sending it to another country to expose their children?

EX-SKF has all the sordid details and contact information for the groups involved with the food aid distribution if you would like to voice a complaint.

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