answers for some facebook questions | Starwave Records Kiwamu official blog Powered by Ameba

answers for some facebook questions

answers for message on facebook and ameblo:

2月25日 16:18
Sorry. I don't reply to each message. But I read all fan emails.
Thank you very much!

2月23日 9:26
we want to go back to Mexico again with new members.

2月23日 3:11
Recently my label made free sample cd of Misaruka.
so if you want that, please ask visual kei cd shops in Japan!

2月22日 18:18
single Illuminatum is sold out! Very sorry.
but you can listen to all songs in Atheos as new versions.

2月18日 14:47
his pet is sick. So he brought it to the hospital. He wrote it became better!

2月16日 15:52
I always write songs from vocal melody. After I made vocal part on the piano, I think about back track. I want fans remember main melody. So I use that way for song writing.

2月11日 10:47
I can't understand Spanish ^^;;
Please write that in English.