LuzmeltとSUICIDE ALIのカップリングアメリカライブ決定! | Starwave Records Kiwamu official blog Powered by Ameba

LuzmeltとSUICIDE ALIのカップリングアメリカライブ決定!

一ヶ月以上まえからずっと交渉を水面下で続けてたんやけど、やっと発表できる事になった!LuzmeltとSUICIDE ALIのカップリングアメリカライブ決定!ツーデイズツーマンになるよ。あとは詳細を色々頑張って詰めないと!

Tainted Reality, the J-Rock Internet Radio Station that has been in hiatus for most of 2010, is set to celebrate their return to normal activities on April 8th with a telethon starring Visual Kei bands Suicide Ali and Luzmelt live from Tekkoshocon VIII. The Telethon will consist of mini interviews, a simulcast on the station's webcam, the bands spinning and talking about their music, Fan Q&A via the stations AOL instant messenger screen name "TRrequest", and merchandise sales via the station's online store. Best of all, all Suicide Ali and Luzmelt CDs purchased on the store during the telethon will be autographed by the bands, perfect for fans unable to attend the live events at Tekkoshocon! Tainted Reality will also be announcing their upcoming broadcast schedule, which includes exclusive interviews with MUCC, Phantasmagoria, and Ninjaman Japan.
The Telethon is set to air on April 8th at 8pm Eastern, 5pm Pacific on