安心してください、それはうそです | 日本を目指せ! Mary!

日本を目指せ! Mary!

カナダ人の私が日本大好きで、どうしてもまた日本に住んでみたいことです。このブログは、その目標のために日々の努力、考えること、悩み、そしカナダの生活までも書きます! マイペースで更新します



この質問はかなりの古典的な命題だけど実は今まで自分あまり考えてこなかった。質問をされなかったからかな。まぁ、とりあえず、今日の通勤中にニュースサイト で読んだ記事が、 この質問について書かれました。その記事のおかげでいろいろ考えさせられました。

大学に入る前に男友達が余り大きくなくて、誰が友達か誰がそれ以上 かを見分ける余裕がなかったです。しかし、大学デビュー以前、急に男性友達を増やすにつれて、私が気付いたのはその男友達の中にみんなにある程度、恋人 になる可能性があると思ったことです。


だって、よく考えた ら地球の終わりで その彼女と男性友達だけがいたら何もしないわけないよね。その理由は、男女問わずにみんなは、友達また恋人を作る時に、その人に何 か魅力があるから友達になりたいのです。その人の面白さ、思いやる心、かっこよさ、お金でも好きになりますから。

その人が自分が求めていることを持っているか ら。言い換えれば、私たちが友達から求めていることは恋人から求めていることと同じことです。なので、友達と恋人の差は意外と近いことと思います。友達は ただの恋人の候補です。ただ、問題はその友達段階を抜けることですね。残念ながらそういう方法が私でもまだ知りません。分かったら皆に必ず伝えます!


Between men and woman is friendship possible.

Yes! of course! if I were to answer like that, it would be a little bit of a lie. This question is a pretty old age topic but truthfully I've never really considered it before. Probably because I've never been asked. Anyways, during my commute today this question was written about in a article I read. Thanks to that article, I was made to think about some things.Before entering university, I had such few guys friends I didn't have the luxury of trying to figure out who was only a friend and who could have been something more. But, after my university debut, all of a sudden I had a lot more guy friends and along with that, I realized that with most of them there was always a chance of me wanting them to be my boyfriend.

If a girl says, "No, not possible" don't worry it's an obvious lie. Because, if you look at it say the world was ending and it was only the girl and her guy friend. We can't say something wouldn't happen. The reason for that is that, regardless of gender when we make friends we are drawn by something they have. Whether it be their funniness, their kindness, their coolness, or even their money we like something about them They have something that we want. To say it differently, The things that we look for in a friend are the same as the things we look for in a lover. That's why, the difference between a lover and a friend is actually pretty close. Friends are simply candidates for a future lover. Only problem is how to get out of that friendship stage. Sadly, I don't have the answer to that. But once i figure it out I'll let you guys know for sure!