ダンス・マスターの日記: 第19章 / 第4節 | VIRG Official blog Powered by Ameba

ダンス・マスターの日記: 第19章 / 第4節

The Dance Masters Diary:
Chapter 19 / 第19章
Part 4 / 第4節
『Bad Presentiment.』

 It was a very strange September night that chilled me to the bone. I had been feeling odd that particular day indeed. 

 I had planned that evening to rent some movies and stay at home with my girlfriend but I felt something inside telling me that I was in danger, so much in fact that I did not want to leave my house.

 For the very first time in Japan I was gripped with a fear that I could not explain. I told my girlfriend what I was feeling and she couldn't understand why either because I had never acted in this way before. I told her that maybe I am just being paranoid but I insisted on taking a knife with me to the store which was about a 10 min. walk from my house. That was the first and last time in my life that I carried a knife. I hate violence and I don't like weapons but I really felt afraid for my life that day. Before I left the house she asked me why I was taking the knife with me and I told her because I really felt like someone was going to attack me. She started to get scared too because I wasn't the type of person to do something like this. It was so out of character for me. Anyway, I insisted that I bring it along and I was off to the video shop. 

 The whole way there and back that dark feeling never left me. I could feel it deep inside and it was so real. My heart was pounding and my adrenaline was peaking as I ran through the dark streets wondering if this would be the night that I would meet my doom. Well, I got back home and I was unscathed, however, oddly enough, I still felt the same. Was I losing my mind? My girlfriend was happy I made it back in one piece. She smiled at me as if I were a kid in the playground who had just seen a spider for the first time, reassuring me that everything was ok and I had nothing to worry about. 

 We set the table and turned the TV on so that we could watch the DVD's and eat dinner. As the TV screen lit up my stomach dropped like I was on a roller coaster. I could see the Manhattan skyline and there was smoke everywhere. WHAT HAPPENED!!!??? Did someone bomb NY??!! OH MY GOD!!! It all made sense now. In horror I stayed there with my eyes glued to the set. I helplessly watched the World Trade Center burn and crumble to the ground. I really thought that it was the beginning of the end of the world. In some ways I still do.

 I have to admit that at first glance I believed the Bin Laden terrorist attack story that was being told to the American people and to the world, but after doing some research I came to the sad but very obvious conclusion that there is NO WAY and IMPOSSIBLE for that story to be true. I can go on and on about this topic for hours but I advise EVERYONE out there to PLEASE RESEARCH ABOUT THE FACTS SURROUNDING THE 9/11 ATTACKS ON THE WORLD TRADE CENTER AND THE PENTAGON. I say EVERYONE because we are all in danger if we fail to see this and we keep letting the government use our citizens as pawns in an ongoing power quest to control the world. Call me crazy, but for example, don't you think that it is strange that the ONLY 3 buildings in the history of steel framed buildings to fall from exposure to heat from fire are the World Trade Center twin tower buildings and World Trade Center building 7. Its not only that they collapsed, its that they collapsed at FREE FALL SPEED which can ONLY be achieved by demolition.

  People PLEASE research this stuff. It is truly shocking.  By the way I didn't tell this story because I am trying to dig up old problems but I just can't help it because I know the truth and so many people including both military personnel and civilians have lost their lives for what I believe to be a conspiracy motivated by greed for money and power.