ダンス・マスターの日記: 第14章 第2節 | VIRG Official blog Powered by Ameba

ダンス・マスターの日記: 第14章 第2節

The Dance Masters Diary:
Chapter 14 / 第14章:
Part 2 / 第2節:
『I know God is truly watching over me.』

 I had absolutely no money and I was miles and miles away from my house. I had only been living in L.A. for a few weeks and a friend of mine who was driving me and showing me around took me to this place called the Beverly Center. Suddenly he got a call from someone and had to leave right away. I told him I wanted to stay and look around some more so he left and that's when I realized that I left my bag in his car. It had ALL of my money and etc.. inside of it. I completely forgot about my bag until after he was already gone. I'm sure once I tried to buy something I would have realized it but we had only been there a few minutes and we didn't really do any shopping yet so I wasn't aware I didn't have my wallet on me. I of course got the bag back later but that wasn't helping me at the moment. After panicking for about 15 min. I decided to just try and walk back to my house, which I had absolutely no clue how to get to from where I was. 

 It was a really hot day and I really didn't want to be outside in the sun but there I was, walking around L.A. with no money and without a clue how I was going to get back home. I walked for a few min. and came to a Taco Bell. I decided to go inside and get directions back to my house but before going inside I wanted to just sit down for a moment and think if there was any other way I could get home. I sat on a curb near the road in front of Taco Bell and I have to be honest that I had given up all hope at this point. 

 While sitting there a long stretch limo went passed and I looked at it wishing that I was inside. About 30 seconds later the limo came back down the street from the opposite direction and pulled into the Taco Bell parking lot stopping about 20 feet away from where I was sitting. The window in the back rolled down and the man inside called to me to come. I was like, this is not possible, I can't be this lucky! I jumped up and went over. When I got there the man in the limo said to me these words " I know you don't have any money and God told me to come back here and help you". He then gave me 20 dollars and asked me if it was enough. I told him yes and thank you so much!! He told me that I would do something very important in the future and that I should stay close to God. He gave me his number and told me if I ever need help again to call him. I thanked him and I never saw him again after that day but this was one of the most spiritual events in my life and every time I am feeling like all hope is lost I remember that day and what he told me and I feel strong again because I know God is truly watching over me. 

 このリムジンの男性の名は、リトル・リチャード(※1 アメリカの歌手。ロックの創始者の一人。)。心から深く感謝すると共に、常に貴方がその親切心と愛を通して私に教えて下さった事を常に心に留めておきます。貴方に神のご加護がありますように。
 The man in the limo was Little Richard.  Thank you so much and I will always remember what you taught me through your love and kindness.  God bless you.

※1 リトル・リチャード(Little Rehard)