ダンス・マスターの日記: 第11章 / 第3節 | VIRG Official blog Powered by Ameba

ダンス・マスターの日記: 第11章 / 第3節

The Dance Masters Diary:
Chapter 11 / 第11章
Part 3 / 第3節
『I needed to be more than just a dancer if I really wanted to change things..』

 I was around 25 years old when this next story took place, still living in my hometown of Poughkeepsie NY. 
 Like most nights I was at Vassar college in the main hall where we all used to dance, drying the sweat off my face and arms, exhausted from hours of practice with my team mates and girlfriend who was also a part of our dance crew at that time. I packed up my clothes, video camera, and music and head for home. I usually drove there but that night we all walked for some reason so that meant I was going to have to walk all the way back home too, which was about a 30-40 min. walk from where the college was. It would go by fast though because I was with my friends. We were just about 10 min. out and a police car began following us. We didn't do anything wrong so we just ignored it. Soon it was gone. 

 The group split up but we were only a few minutes away from each other. As I neared my house I could see another cop car just a few houses away from my own house parked in the middle of the street. Something was wrong. I ran towards the commotion and a police officer had thrown my girl on the ground and was kneeling on her back. She was screaming and telling the male officer to get off her but he did not get off. I ran over to help her but another officer jumped in front of me and told me to stay back. I didn't listen to him at all because I knew we didn't do anything wrong, and I kept saying that the whole time while this was happening. Finally the cop got off my girls back but still had her by the arm. I kept trying to get to her but both cops were pushing me and trying to keep me away. I guess in their minds we were already guilty for whatever it was they were harassing us for. 

 Unbelievably, in addition to the unnecessary, excessive force they were already using on us they began to mace me in the eyes and all over my face repeatedly until I was completely blind and in excruciating pain. The good news is that when the macing started my girl could get loose from the cop and she ran to my house to get my mom. Soon there were like 5 or 6 more cops there and it was becoming a circus. They ruffed me up, cuffed me, and stuffed me in the car. My face was so badly burned that I had to hold my head out the cop car window for air. You can not imagine what this felt like. If you have ever touched a pot on the stove and burned your hand and quickly pulled it away, then just try to think of that pain all over your face without the pulling away part. It was really hard because I was handcuffed and I couldn't even use my hands to sooth my face. The cops were laughing at me and they poured water on my head and made jokes. I know this sounds really crazy but I swear on everything that this is what happened. My mom got there and she was pissed. I could hear her screaming at them. I still had no clue why this was all happening. They took me to the station and threw me in a cell. My mom came there and soon I was let go. On the way home I found out why I was beaten and maced. Its all because they got a call that someone stole a video camera from the college and they believed that it was us. In other words I got beaten, maced, and arrested for carrying my own video camera!!! 

 それが誤認逮捕だったということが分かった後も、警察側から私や同じく被害にあった友人に対して謝罪のひとつも何も無かった。騒動が終焉した頃には、あたかも何も無かったかのように葬り去られたのだ。一番心が傷ついたのは、それまで私は自由時間の多くをD.A.R.E.(Drug Abuse Resistance Education = 薬物乱用予防教育)の為のボランティア活動に費やし、近隣の公立学校の恵まれない子供達と警察を助けてきたからだった。ひどく裏切られたように感じた。この事件を機に、私は世界を変えたければ、単にダンサーである事以上の何かにならなければならないと悟った。この事件はその後私がある事を成し遂げようと心に誓う為のとても重要な出来事だった。そして私がその時心に決めたこととは……
 The police never apologized to me or my friends after they checked and found out that they had made a huge mistake. When it was over they buried the case like it never happened. The thing that hurt me the most is that I spent so much of my free time volunteering for D.A.R.E. to help the police and teaching underprivileged children in most of the public schools in the area. I felt so betrayed. I realized that I needed to be more than just a dancer if I really wanted to change things. This incident was the single most important event in my life that made me decide to......... To be cont..