Kanji | 金之助のブログ


(´ー`) はろ~!会えてうれしい!



再 … の 部首 … ご存知でしたか? 真実を知ってギョッとしました。金之助、子に偉そうに漢字なんて教える資格なぁ~しっ!チーン






泰 … の 部首は … 氺 なのですが、「 したみず 」 と呼ぶこと、知~ら~な~か~ったぁ~っっっ! わははははっはあっはあっははははははははははっははぁ~ 笑い泣き



凸 は どうですか?



 この字の部首…… 凵(うけばこ) なのですぅ~ ポーン 



他にも続々と……えっ!?という事の連続で……… 金之助 瀕死なう  です






Estrelar とは 星 とか、アスリート とか云う意味…… この曲の歌詞からですとアスリート的な感じなのでしょうか? それとも……隠喩なのかなぁ?  私は… 脳筋を鍛えねば!





You have to run, you have to sweat, you have to work out (let's go!)

Weight training, respiration, air in the lungs (let's go!)

You have to stretch, you have to bend, you have to fit in (let's go!)

One, two and three; it's nonstop, one more time


(Summer's arriving)

Who doesn't straighten out, has no place to the sun

(Sunday's the day)

To buzz more and with your ass backwards

(Summer's arriving)

Who doesn't straighten out, has no place to the sun

(Sunday's the day)

To buzz more and with your ass backwards


Come, come shine, become another star over the sun

A star shining brighter than the sun

Show yourself more, be a God in the skies and me on Earth

Charm everything, make it all made out of pure air


You have to run, you have to sweat, you have to work out (let's go!)

Weight training, respiration, air in the lungs (let's go!)

You have to stretch, you have to bend, you have to fit in (let's go!)

One, two and three; it's nonstop, one more time


(Summer's arriving)

Who doesn't straighten out, has no place to the sun

(Sunday's the day)

To buzz more and with your ass backwards

(Summer's arriving)

Who doesn't straighten out, has no place to the sun

(Sunday's the day)

To buzz more and with your ass backwards


Come, come shine, become another star over the sun

A star shining brighter than the sun

Show yourself more, be a God in the skies and me on Earth

Charm everything, make it all made out of pure air


You have to run

You have to work out

Weight training, respiration

You have to stretch

You have to fit in

One, two and three; it's nonstop

You have to run

You have to sweat

Weight training

Air in the lungs

You have to stretch

You have to bend

One, two, three

One more time!


Let's go, let's go, come on

It can't stop

Everyone together, in the same rhythm

You have to sweat

Let's go

One, two, three, four