wow i havent typed 4 ages354354

so i'd luv 2 update wat's been up till now in shortlyキラキラ

1音符 )moved to anotha uni for majoring in a different amjor,Fashion Design and Technology @one of the famous uni for fashion

2音符 )オズのチアリーダーMiLey♪♪♪-kids
went 2 sum concerts-Britney,The Sundance Kids, Black Eyed Peas(standing=THE BEST), Green Day, Msfest in tasmania(kids, stack, evermore, kisschasy..)オズのチアリーダーMiLey♪♪♪-stack

3音符 ) Sydneyマリオ溜め息
First Syd Trip 4 national cheer comp by AASCFWハート I reeli wanted 2 go wiz my team,but it was so hard time 2 orgenize wiz us...dats why sum of my teammates and I joined in anotha cheerleading squad team from VIC just for this compケアベア ピンクシャボン玉オズのチアリーダーMiLey♪♪♪-syd national comp
As a result, it turned out 4th for pom dance n 5th(mayb..dun remember much) 4 stunts all over ausぴかっ☆うえうえ
The best thing was I was interviewed by a famous newspaper, The Age, and the article was publined by having my name all overrrrr;->

4音符 )Traveling back to japanミスバニーハート②
visited 2 c my best friend in Osaka and went 2 Kyoto,Nara n Kobe for 1wkマイメロシャボン玉
オズのチアリーダーMiLey♪♪♪-imperial palace koukyo
later on, 6 of my aussie friends(4 cheerleaders and 2 more) came to c me for 10daysおんぷオズのチアリーダーMiLey♪♪♪-purikura wiz aussie guys

5音符 )Changed my corse AGAIN・・・・ will b the last decisionスティッチ2青スジ or must b!!!lol Now, i am majoring in Visual Merchandising which is planning and desining spaces such for windows for retailer stores, exhinbitions,or event themeingエルモハート②

i guess dats all so farプービックリ

Now, it happns o-week which lyk shinkan in JPN?スポンジ・ボブ
im gonna head of a big party called "mistery bus tour" which we actually take on a bus but dun kno where we r headin 2え The only requirement is waring a themed costume they giv to each bus passenegrsハート must b so fun!!!

thx 4 reading in eng cos im @ skul now;->
will type more often dis yrrrrrルパンビックリ
オズのチアリーダーMiLey♪♪♪-afl (<---AFL Aussie Footy)
C u laterコンビニ