It has been a rather busy time for me.
My apologies for the
two months delay on this post.
m(_ _)m

Hope today's blog post proves useful.

When visiting places
it is useful to know how to
ask for directions.

To ask for directions you first need to
ビックリマークunderstand what the answer meansビックリマーク

It helps with finding locations
and managing items in space.

When the reply is for example:
"Forward two blocks then turn right."

if you don't understand what it means,
you won't be able to follow directions.

I will post some simple sketches
after the text, so that it's simpler
to understand the meanings.

Asking for directions #1:

Although there are many complex words
for the same direction, the simpler ones
are most commonly used.

Left 『左』, Right 『右』,
In front/Forward 『前』, Back/Behind 『後ろ』


Please ask about any words
that you don't understand.

To "take/make a 『TURN』" refers to the action
for example "turning left" refers to
moving your body in the specified direction,
in this example to the left.

『STRAIGHT HEAD』 refers to
"moving forward" almost in a straight line.

When going on stairs, escalators or elevators
is when one would use words such as
『UP』 and 『DOWN』 for directions.
In such situations UP referring to
above or over one's head and DOWN
referring to below or under one's body.

!! As a general rule, when visiting countries
of which you don't know the language of
make sure you always have a map
plus a tiny notebook and a pen.

It is simpler to draw the directions and
simpler to make each other understand them.

I'll try to write more often,
but I'm not sure how I'll have time.

More about understanding words
used in referring to directionsチョキ
in the next blog postアップ
