すみません英語でばっかり。。。 (^▽^;)

OK so... my luggage exploded 叫び
I tried to stuff all my stuff
AND all the items I received in it Σ(・ω・ノ)ノ!

I made plans to buy a new luggage...

So I decided to be selfish,
at least this one time in my life.

Staying in a church facility has it's quirks.
It's a little hard on one's 'wild' side.
You have to tune down for the sake of others
I'm not saying religion is bad or anything
just each to their own.

I'm quite contradictory myself,
more spiritual than actually religious.

Took me a trip to Japan
and a stay at a pentecostal church
to finally wake up and realize
I'm really not that deep into religion
as I once thought I was...(^_^;)

So anyway~
There where 'escape' plans...
Nothing actually bad or dangerous.

I just love music and fashionラブラブ
but I didn't want to bother others

so I made plans to see Nanba AGAIN
this time knowing what is where EXACTLY.

エミのブログ-Namba Amemura

also knowing I might never get the chance
to bring these plans into fruition.

Although I...
Won't get easily lost, nor easily picked on.
I'm quite the strong and stubborn creature.
Which is kind of unattractive.. for a girlガックリ

In the meantime
Recycle Park visit was made so impromptu
that my plans to buy luggage were postponed

but later that afternoon I found myself
waiting in the train station
I guess my passion for music and fashion
won me over and made me return to Nanba
for one last time before returning
to my homeland... the high on taxes and low on salaries placeドクロ

(@°▽°)ノ The adventure's start in my next blog post~!
Till then~