すみません英語でばっかり (^▽^;)

I 'home-stayed' in Kyoto for a few days
feeling really sorry for my bad Japanese...

Everyone has been so kind so far
really don't know how to repay them all

Also... posting this now, cuz I have internet
Had little to no internet in Kyoto 目

Bought a notebook in Osaka but forgot it in Izumi...
sure could have used it in Kyoto, was kinda
rushed and forgot to pack many things汗

OK~ so!ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ

Went to a shop called 'Animeto'
with the friend I came along with
and 3 boys from church
...I believe Animate was the name of the place
can't remember right
obviously wasn't allowed to take pics inside
so I took on the streets some snaps

The place was flooded with merchandise
some more strange than others
it was fun to look around and discover
many cute items and funny stuff

and of course there was a sea of people there as well

I got a lot of K-ON! things~音譜
from the Church boys from Kyoto
they even gave me a phone charm
with my fav character & her guitar~ラブラブ
here's a pic of some fans I got from them

saw a guitar like Hideさん's恋の矢 in a shop
and asked to take a photo of it
*was so happy I could have died on the spot!*

After this all
we went to Kiyomizudera

believe me or not...
it was so cold it even snowed a little

Coming up laterビックリマーク
some more photos
from other places in Kyoto
I've been taken to音譜
