発酵肥料作り-making fermentation fertilizer- | 仙台の週末農業-weekend agriculture of Sendai-

仙台の週末農業-weekend agriculture of Sendai-



Hello.  Last weekend I could not write a blog, because I was busy for making many document.    So I I write two blogs today.   This weekend I tryed making fermentation fertilizer.




It is a garden of Chinese cabbage.   My family are eating many Chinese cabbage as pickles and a dish cooked in an earthen pot at the table usually by the dinners themselves.     These Chinese cabbages are wonderful.








My father was caltivating garden of side Japanese radish,  because this side was empty.


We moved soil to right side and left side.    We prepared to sow seeds of green pea.     There are black basket for against damage causeed by birds.


This is a broccoli inside plastic green house.    This broccoli is just right for eating.     Such a growing point of plants,  as flower, bud , shoot, root, has a thing like a interferon.   Interferon don't pull such a virus too.  How a dependable plants !

At Saturday morning, we cleared place of eggplants in plastic green house.    Because season of eggplants already finished.

I moved branch and leaves with a light track.

The Saturday morning of mine had finish this work only.

I don't know we could crop green pea.  but I tied ropes with branch and pole.

I was making fermentation fertilizer at Saturday after noon four hours.    The material are, suggar 4 kg, koji(a kind of yeast prepared from rice or barley)1.5kg, grounds of rapeseed 20kg,  fallen leaves 20kg, rice bran 20kg,  grounds of fish 20kg, fermentatied chicken droppings 20kg.    Those expenses ara 7700 yen.


I added sugar water into those materials with watering can.   This fertilizer is too safety and effect is amazing.   So I am making fermentation fertilizer this year again.   My family asked me ' make a fermentation fertilizer this year again'.  But working to mix was hand work only,  then my arms and hands become muscular pain now.    I am going to wait three weeks until the koji fungus growing a hypha.




This is my reference book of making fermentation fertilizer.  This book was written with scientifically.  This book is Japanses langage only.  In actuality there is no loss if you have interest.  There are some used books.




Workng at this weekend is finishing.   soon later dried persimmons can eat.  please be careful cold.  see you next weekend.