晩秋の農風景-agriculture sight in late autumn- | 仙台の週末農業-weekend agriculture of Sendai-

仙台の週末農業-weekend agriculture of Sendai-



Hello.  In this weekend I worked at Sunday only.    Now in sendai city become cold at early morning,  I am unwilling to work out.



This is orange. This year my father was artificial pollination this orange tree, so that there are many oranges in this tree.   Needless to say,  this place is into plastic green house.   however,  we were disapointed this oranges, because ftuits are big even though, there are not fruit juice enough.

Also I cultiveted garden with a new cultivater.   this machine is very easyly operation.  I think it would better, if you bought cultivater,  the new one become prevention of lumbago and prevention of accient.  but in actuality the price is high cost.

I tied green pea seedlings with prop.    I don't know that I can crop green pea beans until this winter.

In the plastic green house, we use a tube and a pipe of vinyl chloride.   This pipe-set bring us that still standing watering.   We can water without back bent.  Also we can water window vegitables from aisle.   This is very useful.

this vinyl chloride pipe was heated and pressed fit at the point.   By this device, we can water to distance.  My father made this device also.

My mother is making dried Japanese radish with last weekend Japanese radish.


This place is our rice field.   recently, wild boars come and search some earthworms in the ricefield.   so that water couses were breaked by wild boars.   therefore, my father operated a mini power shovel and dug a new water courses.


In this weekend, we installed drive recorder to light truck,  polished rice of dried in the sun.   We ever dried rices with a boiler kerosene.  We will try to eat rice of dried in the sun tomorrow morning.    We has a pleasure how taste rice of dried in the sun.  see you next weekend.