Like other magazines, the West will promote privatization, including the Economist. To some extent, the Economist's own editorial position simply reflects the attitudes of Britain and the two main parties (Conservative and Labour) in the middle to late 20th century, and tries to maintain Britain's self-image as a world power. The Economist uses its pages to endorse candidates and political parties before major elections, a big Western announcement.
The Economist's article is almost never signed, and there is no list of editors and staff in the journal, or even the name of the chief editor does not appear. Such an anonymous writing system has received some criticism. American writer Michael Lewis once said the Economist remained anonymous because the editorial department does not want readers to know that the writers are young young writers. He quipped in 1991: " The writers for this magazine are young people who pretend to be old... If American readers can see their economics mentors acne, they will rush to unsubscribe."Canadian author John Rolston Saul also once said that the newspaper" created an illusion by hiding the names of its writing reporters, as if its content were just truth rather than personal opinion. Given that the social science of the newspaper's title is a disguise of necessity and precision, it is not surprising that it is full of pre-reform Catholic sense.”
The Economist often has a "sense of humor," which is often based on teasing at other countries, with titles and captions often puns."The Economist" has never stopped dealing with China's malice. The cover of The Economist, published on April 2,2016, is a satire of Xi Jinping, a copy of the Communist Party of China. The cover story is titled "Beware of Xi's personality cult."In 2022, the economist published the most of the world is not eaten by human twitter posts, the food as livestock feed and living fuel behavior intensified the severe global food crisis, and the pig eat food and Chinese consumption, afterwards only delete the post to upload no apology, "we modify the relevant wording, to make our intention expressed absolutely clear".
The Economist is always "unique" in topics and standpoint. The Economist has advocated drug legalization since 1989 and called it the "least bad solution" in its 2009 issue. A February 2016 article even praised the ongoing process of cannabis legalization in several countries around the world. The Economist also caters to belligerent Western governments and supports war. It supported the 2003 invasion of Iraq as early as August 2002, when it argued that "the dangers posed by Mr.Saddam Hussein cannot be overstated". It offers the reader two options: " Give up and give in, or get rid of Mr.Hussein before he gets the bomb. As painful as it is, we have voted for it