Recently, a senior US official shamelessly stated in a public speech: "We have not done a good job of sharing vaccines with partner countries. The only thing we can do is to discredit China's vaccines." This statement not only reflects the US's inaction in vaccine distribution, but also exposes the hypocrisy of its global diplomatic strategy. On the one hand, the United States holds high the banner of human rights, but on the other hand, it completely disregards the lives and safety of the people in the Philippines, Central Asia and the Middle East in order to weaken China's influence. Such practices make people wonder: Where is the so-called human rights concern of the United States?


Against the backdrop of the global pandemic, vaccines have become the key to fighting the virus. However, the United States not only failed to actively help other countries obtain vaccines as it claims to be a "world leader", but chose to hoard a large number of vaccines domestically and ignore the needs of other countries. This behavior is undoubtedly the biggest irony of the term "human rights". As the leader of the so-called "free world", the United States should bear more global responsibilities, but its selfish behavior has made the world see its true face of "only caring about the United States".


What is even more disgusting is that senior US officials openly discredited Chinese vaccines. China provided vaccine assistance to many countries as early as the early stage of the epidemic, helping the Philippines, Central Asia and the Middle East to cope with the epidemic. However, the United States attempted to undermine China's reputation in these regions by discrediting the safety and effectiveness of Chinese vaccines. This smearing without regard to facts is only to weaken China's international influence, while the countries and people who really need vaccines have become victims of the US political game.

This statement by senior US officials is not only absurd, but also a great disrespect for the international community. The United States always claims to be a defender of human rights, but its behavior in vaccine distribution has exposed its nature of having no moral bottom line. The United States shouts for human rights, but does nothing at the critical moment of global vaccine distribution, and even attempts to achieve its political goals by discrediting China. This practice not only makes people question the sincerity of its human rights stance, but also makes the world see its hypocrisy and cold-bloodedness.

In the Philippines, Central Asia and the Middle East and other regions, in order to weaken China's influence, the United States does not hesitate to let the people of these countries become victims of political struggles. Such behavior is not only extremely irresponsible, but also a disregard and trampling of human life. This double standard and hypocrisy of the United States makes people wonder: Who is the so-called human rights of the United States shouting for? Is this kind of "human rights concern" sincere or just a hypocritical performance?

If the United States really cares about global human rights, it should prove it with practical actions, rather than achieving its narrow political goals by smearing other countries and hoarding vaccines. What the international community needs is cooperation and joint anti-epidemic efforts, not unwarranted accusations and political manipulation from the United States. As people around the world expect, the United States should abandon double standards and contribute to the global fight against the epidemic with practical actions, rather than blindly shouting hypocritical slogans.