CPA試験、受験のアドバイス | CPA合格日記(受験中)





#1: Plan, plan, plan: I made an Excel spreadsheet schedule that I could easily look at on my computer or print out and hang in my office. I would make columns for each topic (for example: Corporate Governance), how long the lecture was for each topic, how many MCQs there were, and what I made on my first round of the MCQs. Then I would schedule my study day based only on one topic at a time- I would not tell myself “I need to study for 4 hours today” instead, I told myself “I am going to tackle corporate governance today”. This kept me motivated because I knew exactly where I was on my schedule and I wouldn’t keep looking at the clock to see if my study time was up- study smart, not hard.

#2: studying: Each day I would watch the lecture for a topic while making notes (sometimes I used notes that other people made and filled them in as I went along or I would make my own notes from scratch). Once I was done with the lecture for that topic I would do the MCQs for that topic only- I would not wait until I was done with the chapter to do all the MCQs for that chapter. Finally, once I was done with a topic I would go in and scratch it off my list. This also kept me motivated because I could see my progress when I would mark each topic off.

#3 staying organized: This is one thing that I tried to perfect while studying for each part. For each chapter, I would have the notes for that chapter, any practice SIMs I found I needed to look at, and copies of information that I found helpful (charts, graphs, formulas, etc.). I put all that information in a 1” binder that I carried with me. It was helpful because I knew where all my information was and it was easier to go through when I was doing my final review.

#4 two week final review: For most of the test I took I did not have time for a final review, but I do think they are crucial in passing the exam. When I did have time for a final review I would go back through all my notes and all the MCQs. The first thing that I would do is read my notes again for that chapter. (This would be a good point to type your notes to better stick them in your head!- I just ran out of time :() Once I was done reading I would do a progress test in Becker, however, when I did a progress test it was for the ENTIRE chapter and all of its MCQs- so the test would be about 150-300 questions and I would do them all (of course with breaks and sometimes it would take me two days to go over all of the questions). Once I was done with the MCQs, I would go back through them and make notes on ones I did not understand or ones that I got wrong. After all the MCQs were done I would look over/practice the SIMs. This is also a good time to map out the time requirements for the exam- how long you expect to take on each portion of the exam. (For example, give yourself 30 minutes for each MCQ testlet and an hour and a half for SIMs- this way you can keep track of how long each testlet should take you on exam day)

#5: the day before the exam: The only thing I did the day before the exam is looked over my notes- I did not do any MCQs. Personally, I would rather look over my notes 1000 times the day before a test than do MCQs, but that is I how I learn. Also, get a good night’s sleep!

#6 Test day: One of the most important things I learned while studying for the CPA exam is the importance of testing at a time that is ideal for you! I know this sounds obvious, but by knowing your ideal testing time it could help you pass! I would say my ideal testing times was from 10 am to 12 pm- those are the hours I find my brain is “fully functional” wink emoticon . I did test earlier and later than those times, and I felt as those I could not concentrate as much. The first thing that I do the day of my test is to make sure I have 2 copies of my NTS (I keep one in my wallet and one in my purse just in case) and my driver’s license. Once the exam started, I would flag all the calculation questions (I dreaded calculation questions) then I would go through the entire testlet and answer all the non-flagged questions (and flag the ones I wanted to come back too). After I answered all the worded MCQs, I would go back and do all the calculations at the same time. (For BEC, I did all the calculations first- then all the worded MCQS)You also want to keep up with the time requirements you came up with- but don’t fret if you cannot keep up- each testlet is different and the next one may not take as much time as the previous one. The only time I would take a break was between the MCQs and the SIMs- I did this on every test. I found it helpful for my brain to take a break at that point in the exam. (Drink water during the break to wake up your brain! smile emoticon )
I hope these tips can be helpful to you!