The Magic Word | *☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

The Magic Word

If there's one word everyone in my house has to be careful saying, it's the words bye, goodbye, bye-bye etc.


Because that's the word we use before we take our dogs for a walk or on a trip.

They know and understand some of our words specifically.

One of them (Sprite) loves going places with us. He gets really excited and starts running around in circles and everything. It's hilarious to watch. He even runs over to the side of the car and waits for us to pick him up and put him in. ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ

The other dog (Dewey) gets really frightened. He fears cars. Poor thing. When he hears those words he gets so scared that he starts shaking like a leaf. He does want to go with us, but he hates car-rides as I've said before.

Well yesterday, my dad accidentally said the word when he was on the phone with his mom, my grandmother.

Sprite came flying into the house when he heard those words.

My dad felt so bad that he asked my mom and I to take them for a drive.

Just a little trip in the car. Not going anywhere really.

We took our scaredy dog too. He wanted to go. xD

They enjoyed it. アップ

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

Here's a pic I took of Sprite after the ride. We were in our front yard.

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

And here's a close-up of the flowers. ラブラブ

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

When I said scared, I really meant it. I swear he's afraid of his own shadow. He won't even look at the camera! xD

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

Ah. And here's sleepy Sprite. ラブラブ

Once we got back, my mom taught me a few things about driving the car. Like how to use the shift and stuff.

I was still too uncertain about taking it for a test drive. σ(^_^;)

I'm feeling no stress at the moment. ニコニコ