 在日中国人在日本屡屡生事 给中国人丢人现脸甚至作案犯罪
给贵国带来很大困扰 作为中国人深感耻辱以示歉意 请日本人民原谅,


Hello everyone, I am a Chinese
I was born at No. 46, Chongjian Street, Daowai District, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, China.
Lives at No. 79 Nanji Street,
Ancestral home: Dong Zhangjiagou Village, Longkou City, Shandong Province
Nowadays, there is a resurgence of ultra-left politics in China, and the Cultural Revolution is in danger of being restored. The Cultural Revolution represented by Xi Jinping

Send the old Red Guards to reverse the course of history. I feel deeply uneasy and frightened. I don’t know when it will happen.

Test Based on China’s current framework, I am also a reformist. Born in reform and opening up, I
It is an honor to be Chinese. According to the logic of the Cultural Revolution, I am an active counter-revolutionary. Five Black Categories
It is my shame to die during the Cultural Revolution.
Based on the current situation in China, if Cultural Revolution 2.0 is irreversible, I declare
Unconditionally support the self-determination of Hong Kong, Taiwan, Tibet, Macau and Mongolia, but I do not agree with the restoration of Manchukuo
, against monarchism.
Unconditionally support autonomy and self-determination in all parts of China
After breaking away from the rule of the CCP, even if China is torn apart, it will be helpless. It is all the fault of the CCP and the General Accelerator Division.
. .
The CCP can achieve substantial mainland independence, so why can’t others?
China's historical trend is that separation and unity are mutually exclusive.
If China is doomed, support the international community in crusading against the CCP to save China
I agree with China's democratization and advocate democratic constitutionalism. China cannot become a big democratic country.
, we cannot avoid the historical trend. Autocratic rule can only continue to reincarnate.
After 1949, China has become a leftist country in name only. The Republic of China is orthodox China
. Respect the Republic of China as the first righteous state and support the return of the Republic of China to China. Recover the mainland and take Taiwan
Give it back to Taiwanese
I admit that Taiwan has nothing to do with China.
Oppose leftist countries’ suppression of Taiwan’s international space
I support the White Paper Movement and any meaningful social movements and struggles in China, including color revolution.
Support the anti-extradition movement in Hong Kong,
The Hong Kong establishment and the Hong Kong Communist Party are Hong Kong traitors
Hong Kong is no longer the Hong Kong I like. Li Jiachao is a prodigal.
Britain was wrong to return Hong Kong to the CCP
In 2018, because I criticized Xi Jinping on Twitter, I was raided by the Ministry of Public Security of the Communist Party of China and was listed on

Good or bad luck is unpredictable. According to the logic of the Cultural Revolution, I belong to the current counter-revolutionary black category. no good
Some people are psychopathic and have healed their scars and forgot about the pain.
I hope I live to the end.
Externally, I have always been pro-Western and pro-American, and advocated uniting with Japan and South Korea. I think China can only

Only by maintaining good relations with the United States and Western countries can it serve China's long-term interests. Opposing Western countries

They are from Zuoguo.
I support Ukraine and Israel and hate all dictators. Support democracies.
I am not married and have no children.
I am Taiwanese, Israeli, and American in spirit. Japanese
I feel deeply disappointed about China’s future and don’t want to be Chinese anymore.
I don't have a mental illness,
All Chinese people who advocated restoration and advocated the Cultural Revolution deserved the suffering they suffered during the Cultural Revolution.
If you want to engage in Cultural Revolution 2.0, you will be the number one historical counter-revolutionary and capitalist roader.