您可听见 病魔在向您咆哮 死神嘲笑着您 Cy 我们才是你最大的对手 我希望 上天保佑这一方水土 驱除那肆虐的恶魔 我希望 我亲爱的香港同胞 再无一人蒙受这灾难 我以一个佛徒的名义 祈求伟大的佛陀 清净大海一切佛菩萨 能使亡者往生于极乐 以一个异教徒的身份 无论是耶稣或安拉 祈请三教的圣人 共同护佑香港 愿天佑香港 望生者健康 死者永恒 佛子归于净土 上帝的归于上帝 安拉的归于安拉
Party, thank you for your brilliance. This is your glory. I don't know why you are so great in fighting the world for hardworking people, but you are yourself because you liberated the oppressed classes. But you are more oppressive than the exploiting class. You will oppress workers to strike. You oppressed the teacher's strike. You have the responsibility to maintain stability and rights, and you also have the responsibility to promote the law. Have you ever had the freedom and rights of the reactionary Chinese people, instead of the reactionaries back then? Since the realization of public ownership, this is indeed a good thing. Everything is yours. The land is your house. We only have 70 years to prevent demolition. For the health of the people, you will not hesitate to eat this special food, but you must also take the healthiest and safest toxic foods, waste oils and genetically modified foods so that the people all over the country can enjoy them. The special supply in Zhongnanhai is the most unhealthy and unsafe. It is not only harmful to the body, but also herbicides for future generations, as well as for the people. Healthy, you would rather endure this kind of pain. The well-deserved greatness is so great that we do not regret it. We ask you to replace the healthiest and safest products with the most unhealthy and safest specials.
金钱啊 我亲爱的孔方兄 您不是这世界上唯一的 也不是万能的 没有了您 却寸步难行 穷人 更少不了您 有人为您愁 有人为您挺身试法 如果我有很多钱 我愿意周济那些需要帮助的人 假如我有更多的钱 我愿布施于四方 我希望有一日 这天下的财富 归于我的掌握 我愿周济天下
60年来少明主 仗义执言非得志 秉公直断惜孤臣 贪腐本自元老生 堪叹打虎是权斗 只待后朝书前史
遥想当年戊戌事 帝都风潮惊四方 公车上书为国光 德宗不敌老佛爷, 百万兵甲奔京师,赳赳武夫入城来 滚滚战车勇向前,刀枪无情保皇廷, 血溅皇城染征袍 回首往昔观今朝, 缅机横行越我境 几番轰炸尤无物, 高丽逃兵亦张狂,连番入华残国人。 惶惶天朝似无策,任由夷狄自逍遥。
仰望长空 那里雾霾重重 看不到那蓝天与白云 炎炎当空 再也看不到那轮红日 看见的只是粉色的太阳 仰望长空 遥想那神话中的传说 后羿射落天帝九子 独留一轮红日 为人间照明 今日 华夏大地 霾瘴遮蔽着了那只金乌 来来往往的行人 眼中看到尽是那样的朦胧 仰望长空 苍穹上下 霾锁中华 雾漫长空 俯览九州 是那么的混沌 山川不再清秀 河海为之变色 在那北方的帝都深处 风景独好 有一道红墙为界 如临大敌的御林军 把红宫守得风雨不透 红墙内 那里 分明人间仙境
No way to confuse the party, the officials of the Manchu dynasty are all traitors,
The four treacherous ministers are in chaos, and the five evil dogs are fierce and frenzied.
The red gene is declining from generation to generation, Zhao Guoming is like a phoenix feather,
Tiger dog father and son Yu Wushuang, Qingfeng was originally the true queen
The Manchu dynasty, civil and military, have many traitors, and the whole country is full of people
Sing praises to Germany for things that are wrong, the dream of family and country for generations to come,
Huang Liang is a pillow of Nan Ke Ji, if Xiong'an is the upper meaning,