Conquering Fear

The problem is that lurkers are influencing light forces also, because lurker is working on subquantum plane. People in motherships in Mars or Jupiter are alco quantumly entangled with lurker, and they can be influenced as well. The main way lurker is influencing the light workers is fear. Fear is the main tool of lurker to influence the surface population. So, the fear is the main problem and blockage for everybody in this universe to defeat the darkness. Fear cannot be erased completely, but fear is manageable. The key to manage fear is to face the source of fear. And you go beyond the fear, things that you are afraid of, and gain experiences. Gaining experience is the key to reduce fear. Most of light workers on the surface of the planet tend to avoid having new experiences. They tend to avoid going experiences because new experience is painful, so they try to stay only in their comfort zones. Not only the light workers on the planet, but the light forces beyond the surface have tendency to stay in their comfort zones. The radius of comfort zone is determined by the amount of experiences and understanding you have gained. By saying experience, I am not talking only about the amount of risks you have taken, but more about balance and understanding. But by taking risk and gaining experiences, we conquer fear. And we will dissolve the quantum anomaly. 

I am asking all of you to talk to the light forces and ask them to clear the fear, and you can ask them to gain more experiences about this planet. They need to start their learning process more intensively because one part of the delay is their responsibility as well. It is not just light workers’ responsibility. It is not just dark forces, not just surface population, but light forces have their share about the current situation. They have to learn how to conquer fear and stop their endless conferences and meetings, believe or not. [sigh of admiration] They need to learn and gain experiences about the surface of the planet. I am not talking about the motherships in Taklamakan or Antarctica. I am talking the experiences in New York, Phoenix, Tokyo, Darjeeling, Strasburg. I am saying that they need to learn the life on the surface of the planet. Then, they will begin to understand what is really happening here. And they begin to understand how to resolve. If you put average Arcturians or Pleiadians on the street and leave them, I don’t think they would survive one week. (laughter) It is exactly what they are afraid, and they know that. So one side of this situation is that they are sitting comfortably in their motherships watching everything and sending their love and light. (laughter) That is not enough! You can send us thousands of billions of light if you want! But it won’t solve the situation. The problem is on the surface of the planet right on the physical plane. Here, not there. At some point, they have to start intervening in the surface situation more intensively. Thanks to the galactic pulse situation, galactic connections are getting stronger. They have to hurry up, or galactic wave is washing everything away. They know that they do not have much time. There are many dedicated beings, but they are not taking enough actions. I think many of you feel that already. (applause)



私は皆さん全員に、光の勢力と話し、恐怖を取り除くようお願いしています。また、この惑星についてもっと経験を積んでいただくようお願いすることもできます。遅れの一部は彼らの責任でもあるため、学習プロセスをより集中的に開始する必要があります。それはライトワーカーだけの責任ではありません。闇の勢力だけでなく、地上の人々だけでもなく、光の勢力も現在の状況について一定の役割を担っています。彼らは、信じる信じないにかかわらず、恐怖を克服し、終わりのない会議や会合を止める方法を学ばなければなりません。 [感嘆のため息]  彼らは地球の表面について学び、経験を積む必要があります。私はタクラマカンや南極の母船について話しているのではありません。私はニューヨーク、フェニックス、東京、ダージリン、ストラスバーグでの経験を話しています。彼らは地球の表面での生活について学ぶ必要があると言っているのです。そうすれば、彼らはここで実際に何が起こっているのかを理解し始めるでしょう。そして、彼らは解決方法を理解し始めます。普通のアルクトゥルス人やプレアデス人を路上に放り出したら、一週間も生き延びることはできないと思います。(笑)それはまさに彼らが恐れていることであり、彼らもそれを知っています。したがって、この状況の一面は、彼らが母船の中で快適に座ってすべてを監視し、愛と光を送っているということです。(笑)それだけでは十分ではありません!ご希望であれば、何千億もの光を私たちに送っていただけます。しかし、それでは状況は解決しません。問題は地球の表面、つまり物理次元にあります。あちらではなく、ここです。ある時点で、彼らはより集中的に地表の状況に介入し始めなければなりません。銀河のパルスの状況のおかげで、銀河とのつながりはますます強くなっています。急がないと銀河の波がすべてを押し流してしまうでしょう。彼らは時間があまりないことを知っています。献身的な存在はたくさんいますが、彼らは十分な行動をとっていません。すでにそう感じている方も多いと思います。 (拍手)

Light forces,

I ask your divine intervention now!

Hello, tell me how you are doing!

We do our best!
