国家基本問題研究所は七月十一日、第十一回目の日本研究賞をハーバード大学のジョン・マーク・ラムザイヤー教授に授与した。ラムザイヤー教授は、戦前・戦中の所謂「慰安婦」が巷間言われているような「性奴隷」などでは全くなく、当時は職業として存在した売春婦の一部として論じるべき存在であったことを論証したことで知られる。氏は、この主張故に、米国では各方面から批判を通り越した殺人予告並みの脅迫に曝されてきたが、少しも怯むことなく今日に至っている。小生は、国基研副理事長の高池勝彦氏の好意で、この日の授賞式に列席し、その後でラムザイヤー教授の講演を拝聴する機会を得た。この日の演題は、慰安婦問題を巡って自身も遭遇した米国の社会・人文学界での異常事態についてで、性的マイノリティや旧統一教会に関連する問題で異様なまでの極端な見解が幅を利かせ始めている我が国にとっても、他人事とは言えない問題を提起したものであると感じた。(Prof. Ramseyer Receives JINF Japan Study Award for Research on "Comfort Women": Japan Institute for National Fundamentals conferred its 11th Japan Study Award on Prof. John Mark Ramseyer of Harvard University on July 11.  One may remember Prof. Ramseyer as the scholar who convincingly debunked the "sex slave" theory concerning the so-called "comfort women" of the imperial Japanese armed forces before and during World War II.  According to his thesis, one should categorize those women as a sort of prostitutes--a profession officially recognized in the pre-war Japanese society.  By disseminating such a view, he drew vehement criticisms--some of them almost like death threats--in the U.S. society.  Yet, he has never flinched even a little in his stance.  I was able to attend the awarding ceremony on this day thanks to a special arrangement by Mr. Takaike Katsuhiko, vice board director of the institute.  Later on the same day, I could also listen to a speech by Prof. Ramseyer.  He talked about some abnormal tendencies in social sciences and humanities within the U.S. academia, which also afflicted him over the "comfort women" issue.  In my humble opinion, one cannot overlook such tendencies in the United States  since Japan has also witnessed dominance of extreme views on some issues such as gender minorities as well as religion--notably, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification;formerly the Unification Church.)








