新選組REVO、六年ぶりの日野よさこいにて:九月三十日、時々小雨がぱらつき、気温がやや高い中で、東京のJR豊田駅の南北の二会場で、コロナ禍などによって五年間中断されていたひのよさこいが復活・開催された。参加した32チームは両会場で、いずれも流し演舞を披露。その中で、地元から参加したチームの一つが新選組REVO。新選組と聞けば、勇壮・男性的な印象を受けるが、女性が目立ち、華やかなイメージの方が強い。ここに上げた写真の中で、個人賞を授与している場面が見られるが、他のよさこいイベントではやらなくなっている、演舞中の授与が行われていた。私個人は、演舞を中断してしまうこのやり方、見ている方も面白くないので余り好きではないのだが、踊り子の方はどう思っているのであろう?(YOSAKOI Team SHINSENGUMI REVO at Hino Yosakoi Fest--resumed after 5-year hiatus: In the Hino region of Tokyo on September 30, an annual YOSAKOI event, which has been cancelled for multiple reasons--COVID-19 scare being one of these--was held amid occasional slight rainfalls under a temperature relatively high for this season.  Thirty-two teams danced in street performance format at two locations close to the JR [Japan Railways] Toyoda Station.  One of the teams whose activity base is in this Hino region is Shinsengumi REVO featured here.  One might imagine a valiant and manly outlook/performance to hear the team name--name of auxiliary police organization active in Kyoto in the mid-19th century Japan.  Yet, many of its members are women, and their dancing is elegant.  One of the photos that captured them on this day shows one dancer decorated with a medal commending his/her outstanding individual performance--a practice seldom seen in this type of YOSAKOI events nowadays.  Personally, I dislike this practice because it tends to interrupt the dancer's movement, and such a scene in turn may displease the audience.  I wonder how the dancers themselves feel about it.)












