YOSAKOIソーラン回顧、2015年(その2)平岸天神、いなせ系暁会活頗組:前回も触れたとおり、東京五輪エンブレムの「パクリ」問題が浮上したこの年、添付のような風刺画も出ました。YOSAKOIソーランでは、無論、各チームとも真剣勝負でパクリなど無し。その中で、この年の大賞受賞チーム、平岸天神と、いなせ系暁会活頗組の演舞の模様を収めた画像を貼ります。(YOSAKOI-Soran in memories, 2015[Part 2]: as I mentioned in the previous post, an alleged copywright infringement case transpired over the initially adopted logo to be used in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic games.  Posted here at the top is a cartoon touching on that particular incident. [*Note; One can see a word "PACRINPIC" in the cartoon.  This is clearly a combination of "PACRI" and Olympics.  PACRI is spelled PAKURI in correct romanized transcription of this particular word in Japanese, and means <unauthorized and/or improper> imitation.  Hence, the author of this cartoon characterized the individual who designed the logo as an Olympian-level imitator.  Needless to say, none of the YOSAKOI teams resorts to such an imitation practice in their dancing.  Featured here are two of those teams that appeared in the festival in the same year; first, HIRAGISHI TENJIN, which won the grand prize in that year; second, INASE-KEI AKATSUKI-KAI KAPPA-GUMI. [*Notes: HIRAGISHI<平岸> is name of a locality in the city of Sapporo.  TENJIN refers to a type of Shinto shrine.  A shrine with this exact name is actually in that locality.  INASE--a hard-to-translate Japanese word--implies some sort of "manly coolness" in one's--usually man's--outfit and behavior.  AKATSUKI[暁] means "daybreak."  KAPPA [活頗; a word not usually seen in the real world]--could mean "extremely lively" or "extremely active."  Its homonyms--and a usual transcription--河童 literaly means "river kid"--a legendary monster which is said to have a human outlook and inhabit rivers.  Thus, the entire combionation literally means "team  of extremely lively river kids with manly and cool demeanor within the daybreak group.")































