そらいろ、2018-2022;今年のみちのくYOSAKOIで、前回2018年で御目にかかったチームが出ているのを見て嬉しかった一方、チームの人数が減っているのにショックを受けたことが間々あった。このチームもそうで、ここに上げた前回みちのくYOSAKOIが行われた四年前に撮った画像と今回の演舞の模様を写したものとを比較すると、一目瞭然であろう(今年の舞台演舞の画像はチーム全体を写してはいませんが、それでも一列のみで、軍事用語で言う"縦深"がなかったのは明白です)。コロナの影響はこんなところにも及んでいるのかと暗澹たる思いである。過去数か月間に、相当数のチームが今期で活動を休止したり解散したりするとの発表をしてきたが、恐らくは、過去三年弱の間に人知れず解散してしまったチームも結構あったと思われる。旅行産業を始めとして、我国の産業界はコロナ禍の影響を脱するのに鋭意努力しているが、よさこいでも同様なのであろう。今回取り上げた"そらいろ"のように生き残ったチームには、その努力に賛辞を贈り、今後の活躍に期待したい。(SORAIRO[lit.; "sky color"] 2018-2022: while watching many teams performing in the Michinoku YOSAKOI Festival this year, I felt very much pleased to see some troupes that caught my attention four years ago in the same festival dancing again this year.  Yet, I was occasionally stunned to see the size of some teams reduced compared with before.  This team named SORAIRO, featured here, is one of such teams.   By comparing the images four years ago with those captured this year, one can see clearly the drastically decreased number of dancers this time [although I must admit that the images that captured their stage performance this year do not show the entire team, they clearly show that they were dancing in a single line and lacked the so-called depth of lines in military terms.].  Such is a grim effect of COVID-19 on the YOSAKOI community.  In the past several months, quite a few teams have announced that they would either cease their activities or disband themselves by the end of this season.  I suspect that some teams have disappeared in the past two years or so without making any announcement.  As the entire business world in this country--tourist industry in particular--has been struggling to recover from detrimental effects of COVID-19 now, the YOSAKOI community seems to be facing similar difficulties.  Meanwhile, I would like to congratulate SORAIRO and other teams that have survived, and wish for their better future.)
























