轍-wadachi-:福島県福島市を活動拠点とするチーム。添付した十月八日のみちのくよさこいでの画像を見て分かる通り、目力を利かせることをモットーとしているようで、笑顔で演舞する他の多くのチームとは異なっていた。SNSを見ても余り情報は得られず、チーム名を入力して検索すると、SPYAIRというロック・バンドの歌が出て来る。歌が出たのが2021年で、このチームはそれ以前から存在していたので、歌からパクったのでないことは確かである。結構迫力があった。(轍-wadachi-: this team name literally means "wheel track."  In contrast with many other teams that dance with smiling facial expression, the members of this team seem to make a point of dancing with strong smize as seen on the posted images, which I captured at the Michinoku Yosakoi Festival in Sendai on October 8.  Unfortunately, information on this team is scarce on the SNS--the only piece of information I was able to obtain is that this team has its activity base in Fukushima City in Fukushima Prefecture.  Incidentally, their team name is identical with a title of a song by a group named SPYAIR.  Actually, if one browses the internet with their team name, s/he will hit many sites referring to that song.  Since that particular song was released in 2021--well after the founding of this team--it is obvious that their team name is not a copy of that song title.  I was impressed by their dynamic performance.)

















