

北海道最北端への旅(13)稚内港北防波堤、大鵬上陸記念碑:稚内滞在最終日の昨年十月十五日、まず、稚内港で一際目立つ構造物、北防波堤ドームに足を運ぶ。昭和11年[1936]に当時運行されていた樺太との定期航路の発着所として建設。古代ローマの建築様式を彷彿させる柱に支えられたドーム型の防波堤は他に類を見ないユニークな建築物として知られる。老朽化が進んだため、昭和53年~55[1978-80]年に改修されて現在に至る。その傍に建てられているのが、昭和の大横綱大鵬[1940-2013]の上陸記念碑。五歳の時に樺太で終戦を迎えた大鵬は、母親と共に引揚船に乗って北海道に向かう。当初は、稚内経由で留萌まで航行する予定の小笠原丸に終着点まで乗っていく予定であったが、船酔いに耐え切れなくなった母親は大鵬を連れて稚内で下船。その後、稚内を出港して留萌に向かった小笠原丸は、途中でソ連の潜水艦による雷撃を受けて沈没し、多数の死者を出している。この偶然で命拾いをした大鵬は、下船した稚内を自分の人生の原点として、度々訪れている。それを記念して2020年に建てられたのが、この碑である。(Trip to the northernmost of Japan's northernmost island[13]arched sea wall at Wakkanai port & monument memorializing SUMO grand-champion Taiho: on October 15 last year--the final day of my stay in the city of Wakkanai--I first visited arch-shaped sea wall at the Wakkanai port, quite a unique construction which visitors to the port cannnot miss.  This sea wall, completed in 1936, was a part of the ferry terminal for regular ship line connecting Wakkanai and Sakhalin, which was then a part of Japan.  The arch-shaped dome structure supported by pillars reminiscent of ancient Roman architecture is so unique that one can find no similar construction elsewhere.  Since it was worn by winds and waves for so many years, the wall was renovated in 1978-80.  Standing beside this structure is a monument memorializing childhood experience of Taiho Koki[1940-2013], who was a famous YOKOZUNA, i.e., grand-champion of Japanese SUMO wrestling.  Taiho, who was a resident in Sakhalin at the end of World War II, was five years old then.  He left Sakhalin on board a ship bound for two destinations in Hokkaido with his mother.  Although Taiho and his mother were originally scheduled to get off at the second and final destination of the ship. they decided to disembark at the ship's first destination--Wakkanai--because the mother was very sea-sick.  After its departure from Wakkanai, the ship was torpedoes by a Russian submarine and sank with many passengers before its arrival at the final destination.  Taiho considered this coincidence as the starting point of his life, and visited Wakkanai several times since then.  The monument was erected in 2020 to commemorate this episode.)















