

北海道最北端への旅(9)礼文島南部、奇岩巡り:礼文島滞在最終日の昨年十月十三日、東岸の香深から路線バスで西岸へ。そこには、幾つか奇岩が見られる。まずは地蔵岩。地蔵尊こそ掘られていないものの、その形状はお寺や路傍に建てられている地蔵に似ていることから、この名前が付けられている。四十年前にグループ・ツアーで行った折には、遠くから望見しただけであったが、今回は単独旅行の気軽さも手伝い、直ぐ傍まで行ってきました。次に、南の方に歩いて展望台へ。そこで、海側に見えるのが猫岩。その形状を見れば、説明は要らないと思います。それから、陸側にあるのが桃岩。これも説明は要らないでしょう。(Trip to the northernmost of Japan's northernmost island[9]some uniquely-shaped formations in the southern part of Rebun Is.: On October 13 last year--final day of my stay on the island of Rebun--I took a local bus from the town of Kabuka on the island's east coast to the west coast.  Major attractions in the area are some rocks of unique outlook.  The first one I saw is called JIZO-IWA. [*Note: JIZO is one of the deities of Buddhism, and is considered to protect travelers and children.]  Although no image of the Buddha is engraved, its shape looks like JIZO statue often seen on the Buddhist temple premises or on the roadside in Japan.  This was my second visit to this location since the first one almost 40 years ago.  Last time, I could take a look at this formation only from distance since I was on a group tour then.  But this time, because I was travelling by myself, I was not under any restrictions and could walk to its immediate vicinity.  Thereafter, I walked southward to reach an observation spot, where I could see two formations.  On the seacoast is NEKO-IWA, meaning "cat rock."  I assume no explanation is needed about its naming since its outlook tells everything.  Seen on the land side is MOMO-IWA, which means "peach rock."  Probably, one does not need any explanation about its naming, either.)




















