

北海道最北端への旅(3)利尻島四分の一周:前日、標高1719メートルの利尻富士に登って、その疲れが相当残っていたにも拘らず、この日、十月十日は自転車での利尻島一周を試みる。予報では午後から雨となっており、利尻富士の山頂には雲がかかっていたが、天気が持ち堪えてくれることを祈って出発。美しい海岸線を所々で眺めつつ、途中、江戸時代に北方の警備にあたった会津藩士の墓なども自転車を走らせるも、向かい風が強くてなかなか自転車が進まない。恐らく島の全周の四分の一ぐらいを走破したが、雨が降り出し段々酷くなる。やむを得ず引き返すこととする。宿に戻った時にはずぶ濡れとなっていました。(Trip to the northernmost of Japan's northernmost island[3] bike trip covering a quarter of the distance around the Rishiri Island: with the fatigue from the climbing of Mt. Rishiri Fuji, 1719 meters high, on the previous day still afflicting my body, I embarked on a bike trip around the Rishiri Island on this day, October 10, last year.  According to weather forecasts, one had to expect rainfall in the afternoon. The summit area of Mt. Rishiri Fuji is topped with clouds, foreshadowing such a weather.  Yet, I began the trip, hoping that the weather would hold.  I could see beautiful coastlines, and visit some historical monuments such as tombs of warriors who were assigned to coastal defense duties of the northern area in the 19th century.  But as I moved ahead, head wind became stronger and stronger.  In addition, rain began to fall, and it became severe as the time went on.  After I had covered probably about one quarter of the distance around the island, I decided to turn back.  I was soaked wet when I got back to the inn.)














