東京オリンピック・女子マラソン:8月7日、札幌で行われた女子のマラソンは、予定よりも一時間早い6時にスタート。通常よりも高い気温を考慮してのことと新聞では説明されていたが、沿道で観戦する人を減らす目的もあったのでは?道知事や主催者などは、感染拡大防止のため沿道での観戦自粛を求めていたが、小生はそれを無視して、スタート地点から8~9キロ辺りで観戦。画像は、その折に撮影したもの。(Tokyo Olympics 2020[+1], women’s marathon: women’s Olympic marathon in the city of Sapporo started at 6 a.m. on August 7—one hour earlier than originally scheduled. According to media reports, the organizers made this last-minute change by taking into account summer heat since the temperatures in the city have been higher than average in the past few weeks. There might have been, however, another consideration behind this change—to reduce the number of audience along the marathon route in the wake of the recent surge in COVID-19 infections. It is true that the governor of Hokkaido and the Olympic games organizers had repeated issued stay-at-home—and stay-away-from-competition-route—advisory on the days of marathon and race walking. As for me, I defied/disregarded that advisory, and watched female marathon runners at a location about 8-9 kilometers from the starting point. The posted here are some of the images I took on that occasion.)