{FAQ} How can I use a copyrighted work of others?


If you wish to use a work protected by copyright, the general rule is to find the author and/or the copyright owner, identify the current copyright status, and seek authorization (permission) form him/her/them.

Copyrights are assignable*[1], so there is a possibility that the current copyright owner has changed from the author or the former rights holder. Also, because copyrights are composed of several “branch rights,” each branch right may have been assigned separately from one another. Moreover, you should know that copyrights to a single work may be jointly owned by two or more persons as in a “joint work.”

Sometimes, it’s very hard to find or identify the authentic rights holder(s), so if you have difficulty doing that, consult us.


*[1] You can lawfully exploit a copyrighted work of others by having the copyright ownership transferred.


[Note] The Copyright Act stipulates that a certain work may be exploited without any authorization from copyright owners (See Art.30-50[Limitations of Copyrights]).

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