OMGG <33 Im still getting used to this blooog, and the more i click stuff the more i fall in LOVE with it o(^▽^)o!

So today i tried to do WakatsukI Chinatsu inspired hair. I mean i would think that she would wear something like this yahh リラックマ??

$CooladaGyaruのブログ-WC :D

And today i went to the Russian Store, and i had gotten some of my favorite snacks including this! ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ'
I absolutely looove this <3333 Its like flavored bread, and its amazing <3

And thats basically what i did today. Haha, and i was also fooling around with my webcam after i did my make lol≧(´▽`)≦

Ahh Billy Idol <3 I havent listened to him in FOREVERR!!
OKKK byye guys :33 I absolutely love blogging on this site!音譜

p.s. OHMYGOD Koda Kumi came on <3