California is a state in the western U.S. Apart from being known as the home of famous cultural institutions and many national parks like Hollywood, Disneyland, Alcatraz, the Golden Gate Bridge, etc.

California with its millions of acres of farmland leads the U.S in agricultural production and development. In California pest control is also preferred by so many people as having such a large amount of farmlands the people of the state have to go through with some difficulties in getting rid of the tiny insects and to protect themselves and their household stuff from these pests.

As there are so many varieties of pests /insects that are found in California because it is a hub of major agricultural activities in the U.S.

This variety includes pests that are harmful and non-harmful but there is a shortlist of some common pests that are mostly found in every house of the state.

Some of the common insects are :

1. Ants

2. Cockroaches

3. Termites

4. Bedbugs

5. Rodents

These are some of the insects found very commonly in the state. There's one more interesting fact about these insects these are not only found in California these are found almost all over the world on a very large.

How Dangerous a Pest would be?

Some pests are hazardous/some are not. How can you decide which pest is more harmful to you? Here is a list of the problem these household pests create for you:-

1. Ants:- These become hazardous as they transmit many diseases directly as the bite of ant inject salmonella-like organism in our body. They also infect by crawling over and seeking inside your food. The bite of ants also causes irritation and redness to your skin and for allergic people sometimes it also causes infection

2. Cockroaches:- Cockroaches carry bacterias with them. Everywhere they roam they leave traces of their bacteria, for example, if a cockroach just crawled over from your food and if you eat it there is a possibility that you are going to have problems like diarrhea, food poisoning, typhoid fever, leprosy, etc. They contaminate food with their saliva and waste.

3. Termites:- Termites do not contain any type of disease or harm to human health. Their major problem is they feed on wood. They are harmful as they destroy your furniture and wooden household stuff. They completely hollow out the wooden material in just a couple of days.

4. Rats:- Rats and mice can cause more than 35 diseases. these diseases spread directly to humans by handling the rodents, or in contact with their feces, urine, saliva, and from their biting too. They carry many diseases like hantavirus, leptospirosis, lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCMV), Tularemia, and Salmonella.

Tips to Save Yourself from Insects?

Are you anxious about pests wandering/ insects wandering in your home? Don't be mad there are a lot of ways through which you can protect your stuff and yourself too from these pests. Some of the natural and traditional tricks to get rid of these insects are:-

1. For ants and cockroaches use the insect-killing spray if you suspect them at any place. This could stop them entering from that area in your home.

2. For rodents, you can use traps and poisonous tablets in some old rotten foodstuff but be careful about using poison.

3. You can check your wooden stuff every week to found out if there are termites present there or not.

All these tricks work only if you have a negligible amount of pests in there if you have so much of them or your house is infested don't be late to call out pest control asap.

In California pest control is a need of everybody as there is a large number of pests move from farmlands to households every day.