Essay writing exercise


Humans naturally, via survival, seem to invent and create ways in which they can achieve a certain goal more efficiently. Currently, in the year 2016, we already face a variety of health issues from how efficient our lives have become. The norm must exercise a strong amount of discipline against the intent for the invention. Social contact, from these sorts of inventions, is decreasing in quality substancially, with impacts ill-natured towards mental health. - add a link


Main points


Health issues

 - possibility of being just an organ in virtual reality

 - cancer caused by radiation

 - bodies built to move (blood clots, weakened muscles, unfit)


 - Inventions are made for efficiency, therefore less work towards the main goal - this can cause health issues in the broad spectrum, and mess with bodily functions

 - Breaks must be taken from screens, etc, to combat intense health risks


 - screens eliminate a need for face to face communication

 - messages, without other explanations with body language and tone may be misinterpreted easily

 - without real social connection, humans have a higher risk of anxiety, depression, and loneliness (homo sapiens only won the race because of their communication)

