Description: Utilities - AppleScript - Console Calculator - 614 KB - Scott Cogan


Console Calculator is a powerful calculator with a simple console interface. Simple enough for anyone, but includes advanced features that programmers and engineers will love. The calculator interface is simple, fast, and elegant. You gotta try it! Key Features: - Live evaluate as you type. - Advanced scientific calculator functions. - Define custom functions and variables. - Base conversion between decimal, hexadecimal, and binary. - Unit converter built-in for many SI and non-SI units. - Quickly recall past entries with arrow keys. - 100+ digits of decimal precision.

New 10.14.1 BJGG_VERS_3.0.14_CONSOLE_CALCULATOR.ZIP (644 kbytes)
Updated Sierra CONSOLE.CALCULATOR.VERS.2.0.14.XEAEU3.TAR.GZ (552 kbytes)
to 10.13.4 Console.Calculator.v.1.0.15.KDaRX6.tar.gz (558 kbytes)
Recomended for Mojave CONSOLE.CALCULATOR.VER..1.1.14.BE6K.TAR.GZ (583 kbytes)

Scott Cogan

New for MacBook {648 KB} 2.18
for Sierra Ax38c.xACT.ver.2.46.pkg {6076 KB} 2.51
to MacOS {101742 KB} 8.5.10

(675 kbytes) App RLF VERS.1.1.14 CONSOLE CALCULATOR 1.2.14 Best on Mojave
(614 kbytes) Console Calculator v 1.0.17 GoJfJ 1.1.14 Updated MacBook
(595 kbytes) Update dOH v.1.0.17 Console Calculator 1.1.14 Updated on MacBook
(687 kbytes) Get TOQJIV VERS.1.1.14 CONSOLE CALCULATOR 1.3.14 MacOS
(669 kbytes) Software 4HjRA Console Calculator vers 1.0.16 1.0.17 Updated 10.13.6
(521 kbytes) Software ND5M CONSOLE CALCULATOR VER 1.0.17 1.0.16 New for MacBook