Summer it is rain today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.

















0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

2024summer在线演说家:我给你很多点赞哦,那时候几乎每天都点赞哦。哎呀,今天終於看到你的更新啦,原來那個弱智平臺不給我推送你的内容啦。哈,開心是發自内心的,你的特點啦。咦!? 被我关注才是幸运的啦,轰隆,幸运之神降临你身边,我啦,一定啦,我会祈祷,念佛啦,你不会啦。生日会祝福和祈祷。那么接下来,你念佛啦。呵呵,太开心啦。看我小说啦。呵呵。讓更多的人閲讀啊,你就給我做廣告啦。哎,你會出版書嗎?日文的,。你看了什麽?開頭太簡單?反应够快的啦。



2024summer13:summer, are you ok?  trust?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。你家孩子学了达摩已经洗髓功了吗,这才是时髦啊。噢,你家孩子太小哈。


2. To "energy":OK,现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。


()Winter. 做了一件不被别人和自己证明错对的事情,受挫,偃旗息鼓。骑虎难下。中间。你要知道任何好的事情都不是一帆風順的。我們戀愛也是。你還要整天保持讓我開心,事實上這是不可能的。你要浮於表面,那麽事情就不會進展。見面接觸,沒有其他方法。見面了交流了你會發現完全不是你想的樣子。其实,你会发觉,不见面都是斜着发展呢。我也想吃蔬菜哦。今天的照片很靓哦。过了生日,见面提上日程了吗?









3. To something:你生日的祝福,虽然都是真理,大实话。但是相对你的理解能力,我还是说sorry. 因为你也不信佛。吃肉。没有佛的智慧化解。哎,我看到有人要结婚啦。哇,时髦,未婚先孕。












To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


We have clearly established a blueprint for peace. But we see that the war continues. Yes, it is easy to start a war, but it is difficult to end.

The crux of the issue now is how do we understand this war and whether this war is a war of aggression or not. I've already said that there is definitely a little bit of aggression. However, as I also said, war is just a pretext, in fact, Russia wants to eliminate its own strategic fear caused by NATO's eastward expansion.

I also analyzed that this fear of Russia comes from the fear of weapons of mass destruction.

If you have weapons of mass destruction, why don't you give fear to others, but to yourself? Because others feel fear, and this fear is released through NATO's eastward expansion, which in turn makes Russia fearful.

Therefore, NATO's eastward expansion is actually a kind of strategic probe. Through specific detection, then the information will be mastered, and it will not reach the fear of complete fantasy.
Correspondingly, the war in Ukraine and Russia is also a kind of detector. Through the exchange of war information, and then the fear is eliminated. Arguably, this is one of the most concrete ways to dispel fear.

I propose a completely free special economic zone, zero tariffs, low tax rates. So can it be used as a kind of detector? to dispel fear?
After someone knew the detector theory, they said that the state system is also a detector, a detector for the people. In order to detect the movement of the people, in order to grasp the direction of leadership.
Some people have also said that, of course, political parties are also a people's detector. Know the voice of the people. Understand what people think.

Why does a detector solve the problem? Because the detector collects information. Collect specific information. With information, especially comprehensive information, then it is easy to solve any problem. This is the fundamental way in which we humans solve all our problems. This is one of the core concepts of human civilization.

Of course, one of these information comes from naturally occurring information, and the other comes from the results of the analysis of the information. Generally speaking, the information is comprehensive, and the general analysis and judgment results are unchanged. Whoever analyzes it will bring similar results. It's a question of whether you have the information, especially the comprehensive information.

Of course, when it comes to grasping information, it is not comprehensive, and there is a watershed. That is the message from God. Some absorb this information, some reject it. Yes, the message is right at hand, and some people reject the message of the gods, while others receive the message of the gods. This brings the comprehensiveness of the information, and the incompleteness of the information.

That's the watershed moment of the problem. From this there are two outcomes, and due to the difference between these two outcomes, there are differences, contradictions. Eventually, it evolves into hostility, accumulates hostile information, reaches the level of fear, and then starts a war, in fact, starting a war is another kind of information communication, so as to alleviate fear.

Therefore, having access to information is the most straightforward way to address fear. This is also the second core concept of human civilization.

For example, knowing that the other person also has fear, your fear will be reduced. Knowing what the other person is going to do next partially disappears your fear. Everyone has fear, so we calm down and think about this question, where does it come from? This is the elimination of nuclear weapons of mass destruction. This is at the national level.

What is the state of being free from fear? It is our market economy. People exchange information about their lives with each other.
So, an open, zero-tariff, low-tax SEZ, a city open to the whole world, is a hub for information exchange. This information exchange center will avoid the escalation of contradictions between two or more countries. So, a city can be used as a detector.

Throughout human history, and looking at the relations between various countries of modern mankind, we see that where there are detectors, there are fewer contradictions. And where there are no detectors, contradictions accumulate and become wars.
For example, the existence of Mongolia has played a positive role in the stability of East Asia. A direct conflict between two large countries was avoided.
Now Ukraine is acting as a detector to dissolve the accumulation of contradictions between Eastern and Western civilizations. In this way, I think the war is a long one. Until one day my article is known to everyone, then it may be possible to fundamentally solve the problem of national psychological fear. This is the most fundamental and primitive law and truth for cracking this problem. The light is already shining on human society.

Of course, due to the existence of contradictions between countries, the existence of enemies and friends. Then many internal psychological problems are difficult to leak. This is bad and brings an accumulation of problems.
For example, the current leaders, when they have meetings, have expressionless faces. Is this good or bad? It's fake.
On the other hand, the interaction between the top leaders of the two countries can be a huge release of fear between the two countries. That's why, more than 30 years ago, I advocated for the Summit. A series of global summits have emerged. Because the summit is the most direct channel for obtaining information. It is worth advocating.
A few years ago, the President of Russia was invited to participate in the G-7 summit. This is an indisputable fact. But then it changed, and the problem was not in the seven countries, but in Russia. If this exchange with the heads of the seven countries had continued, there would have been no war now. In fact, participation in the summit is quite important and has strategic influence. Otherwise, decades of accumulation will become the current war in Ukraine.

If a country's intellect is developed from agriculture, industry, international trade. Rather than a single economic development up. Then there will be more comprehensive wisdom. On the contrary, Russia has opened up international exchanges with oil and gas, which has produced incorrect insights and led to a split with the West. The G7 refused to allow him to participate in the summit. Therefore, if you do a single thing for a long time, you will be fixed on something, and it will not be easy for you to become enlightened. I am analyzing why Russia has become this state, the reason why it has become this insight. Thus, strategic nuclear weapons have become a negative existence, bringing fear to NATO countries, and thus NATO's eastward expansion has brought the current fear of Russia, under the pretext of war. I thought that such powerful nuclear weapons would bring peace to the world and deter aggressors, but now I find that even good people are threatened, and this is the deterrent point of Russia's failure to handle its nuclear strategy. Most countries are committed to deterring aggressors and at the same time maintaining world peace. On the contrary, the current nuclear weapons of Russia do not work like this. Is Russia lagging behind again?

Why do we set national fear as a ceiling? Because the direct cause of fear is death. leads to the demise of the state, the chaos and regression of society. Fear becomes a kind of detector. Become a sensitive indicator.

Someone is going to say it again. Many countries have come out of war without fear or fear. The final victory made them forget that war is the central role of a detector, and that war is the only way to seize power. Thus the nature of the war changed. Presumably these wars were civil wars. If it is an international relationship, it will certainly be difficult to solve the problem.
So, here there is a domestic intellect and wisdom. There is also an international intellect and wisdom. Obviously, the two are different. Not to be confused.

Some people have said that the war between Russia and Ukraine is a symbol of the reconstruction of the Soviet Union. Because everyone forgets that Ukraine turned out to be a member of the Soviet Union. Therefore, Russia, which is now the successor to the Soviet Union, has invaded three oblasts of Ukraine, and subconsciously thinks that this is just a domestic problem. It is not even called a war of aggression.
Russia has psychological contradictions on this issue, which is directly reflected in Russia's behavior. It's as if England had a psychological ambiguity about the 90 minutes and the 120 minutes, resulting in this becoming the highest consciousness that cancels out other strategies and awareness. Bringing vague behavior, not being positive, and even the idea of winning is vague.

Now we see that some international problems are also the reason. Civil war? It doesn't seem to be, and other countries have to ask for their consent. International wars, nor are they. Straddling the two issues, advance and retreat are not free. Vague, can't make a decision. Actually, this is not ceiling awareness. Ceiling consciousness is to develop the economy. However, some countries and people have taken advantage of this bull's horn. Stuck on this issue, advance and retreat are not free. It's exactly the same as England. leads to eventual failure.

There are also countries where the highest consciousness is not to develop the economy. Rather, it rode on the question of whether or not to go to war, which became the highest consciousness of the country. I guess that's inappropriate.

So, take the right path, take the avenue. Be a righteous gentleman and cultivate the Noble Eightfold Path. Otherwise, like Russia, you will deviate from the international community and Russia only for Russia's sake. The only thing that came with it was war. To take the right path and take the road means that energy and work are used to develop the economy. Engage in international trade and participate in international summits. Do not think that it is Western, and the East does not participate. In fact, the only option that this brings is war. Therefore, when a country develops and becomes strong, it should participate in the G-7 summit and participate in various global summits. This is a national security and strategic imperative. It is also a requirement to avoid war. After all, a country cannot develop, and it is useless.
And I put forward a powerful point of view: economic development is beneficial to mankind. Unleashing a war is only temporarily beneficial to one's own country, not to the detriment of humanity.

So, we see that communication is the solution to all problems. This is the core law of human civilization.
After communicating, we must stand in the realm of consciousness and stand at the height of consciousness. First of all, the problems in the field of consciousness have been solved one by one. When the realm of consciousness is clear, human society is bright.
Practice has indeed allowed us to discover a lot of patterns. But when the realm of consciousness is clear, the social strategy and framework are bright. The road under your feet is clear. Since then, the overall pattern of mankind being opened by practice, the top-level pattern of war opening the way and enlightenment, has changed to a development model of theory guiding practice. The pattern of human social relations determined by war has been transformed into a human society dominated by a clear opinion model in the realm of consciousness.
And the highest level of the realm of consciousness is the Buddha theory. The Buddha's system of human minds, as a whole, influences human behavior and society, as well as state behavior. That's what the handbill pendulum experiment, proves. Let the hand-held single pendulum, toggle the single pendulum, swing back and forth, and then you silently recite the mind, swing left and right, for 8 minutes, and eventually you will find that the single pendulum has changed from swinging back and forth to swinging left and right. Psychological ideation plays a role.

There are war exchanges, summit exchanges, people-to-people exchanges, and trade exchanges. There are high-level exchanges, there are middle-level exchanges, and there are low-level exchanges. This article of mine belongs to the high-level communication of human beings. If you can't stand at this height, then you can't communicate. You can absorb what I said. There are very few people who can stand at this height, not necessarily heads of state. Being able to collect information and make correct analyses is the high requirement of human civilization.
10:10 2024-07-16
























10:10 2024-07-16