Summer it is cloudy to rain today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.

















0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

1. To "middle":welcome, nice girl.

()Winter. 做了一件不被别人和自己证明错对的事情,受挫,偃旗息鼓。骑虎难下。中间。

2024summer在线演说家:我给你很多点赞哦,那时候几乎每天都点赞哦。哎呀,今天終於看到你的更新啦,原來那個弱智平臺不給我推送你的内容啦。哈,開心是發自内心的,你的特點啦。咦!? 被我关注才是幸运的啦,轰隆,幸运之神降临你身边,我啦,一定啦,我会祈祷,念佛啦,你不会啦。生日会祝福和祈祷。那么接下来,你念佛啦。呵呵,太开心啦。看我小说啦。呵呵



2024summer13:summer, are you ok?  trust?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。你家孩子学了达摩已经洗髓功了吗,这才是时髦啊。噢,你家孩子太小哈。


2. To "energy":OK,现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。
3. To something:清零了吗???


4, 天打雷劈。你爷爷辈在光天化日之下,在大街上强奸少女。你肯定继承了你爷爷的基因啦。在光天化日之下,干骚扰人的事情。


To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


We summarize the tag wish mechanism. However, one might ask, why is there something in the heart, whether good or bad, that can be realized? Or is it something that is labeled and becomes a certain way? For example, successful people are labeled as successful, so they will make a splash wherever they go. One of the hallmarks of a celebrity is success. They successfully played a movie role, or he successfully led a listed company, there will be a successful label attached to their hearts. This keeps them on the path to future success.

So, doesn't this mean that the heart, in fact, is the consciousness of the heart, and what else can change these things except the consciousness of the heart? What about this result?
Loading the label in the heart is actually putting a consciousness in the heart. Why does the inner consciousness have such a big effect?

This brings us to an important issue, and one of the most important ones. The establishment of our ideals, the establishment of our goals, is all a consciousness. Even the belief in the Buddha that we often refer to is also a consciousness. This has to be said that the mechanism of believing in God and Buddha, the psychological mechanism of success, and the psychological mechanism of determination. Or maybe these are the workings of the tag wish mechanism.

In fact, the things that are hidden in the heart, secretly made up my mind, and these are summed up, in fact, a concept of consciousness is hidden in the heart. In fact, it is a consciousness hidden in the heart.
It's consciousness that comes into play.

Could it be that our consciousness, the consciousness of our hearts, can change the world, should we change our lives? This is a question that both believers and non-believers want to know. Otherwise our dreams can come true, our ideals can come true, and our wishes can come true. And these are just consciousness, inner consciousness. But we don't know how it works. We want to know the principle.

Language, consciousness activity, each person's day, begins to function when they wake up. We even separate consciousness from action. Think that you can only succeed if you do something. What you think, what you realize, doesn't necessarily become reality. Otherwise, anything you think of will be realized immediately, and you will definitely be 100% immortal.

So, in life, we form this unwritten subconscious system. What you think, what you realize, will not hold and will not work out.
To sum it up scientifically, can your consciousness affect the objective world? All people's consciousness and concepts will think that this is impossible.
People call consciousness subjective consciousness, and turn the objective outside world into the objective world. Subjective consciousness cannot change the objective world. For example, imagine making a stone on the ground fly, which is impossible. Whatever you think of appears in front of you, and whatever you think of can be successfully realized, these are all shows that your subjective consciousness wants to change the objective reality, which is impossible.

Someone will say that you think of this thing, through your hands, and then throw out the stone, and the stone can fly. Isn't it the fulfillment of the purpose and function of consciousness?
However, scientists are more rigid and believe that consciousness cannot change the objective world. Or in this field of science, concepts are all rigid. In fact, the structure of dividing the world into the subjective world and the objective world is an incorrect structure. Because that ignores a lot of the real things. For example, wishes can come true. For example, prayer can be fulfilled. For example, the tag wish mechanism.
Therefore, to believe in the system of science thoroughly, I think that every concept established by science is wrong. It's all local, concrete, and doesn't put these in a natural environment at all. It's just a part of it, and then it makes a local stipulation, and then it talks about the law in the local area.
For example, in science, water is just a molecule composed of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. But in fact, the Great Compassion Mantra Water is different from ordinary water, and the effect is different. However, science ignores this issue. Think of water as molecular water with no other properties. That's too mentally retarded. But that's what scientists do.
Another example is that after a city blueprint is built, the city is built by construction. From blueprint to reality. But no one would say that this is the function of human consciousness. Because they believe that it is impossible for human subjective consciousness to change objective reality. But in fact, the city was built, isn't this talking nonsense with open eyes? But that's science.

For example, science believes that 1+1=2 is indeed true. It can not be explained by science, why 1+1, why there is an equals sign, why there is also a 2. Can these phenomena be held together when they are pulled together? It's just a memory. But does the equal sign mean absolute equality? Why use an equal sign? Why do you think that the two sides are equal when they are different things? Isn't this nonsense? So, you will find that mathematics is a science. Is 1 and 2 different? And 1 does not exist, where in the universe does a single 1 exist? They are all interconnected, and 1 is obtained through abstraction. So what the hell is abstraction? Take an unknown thing and abstract it here, Tang Sai, fool people? Mathematics is established because of memory. There are no memories, and these elements are scattered all over the place. What does it matter? Proving mathematical equations seems to be very useful, and without memory, it cannot be established at all, but for thousands of years, who thinks that memory is a mathematical element? It's a kind of thing where everything works in time, and what is math without time? A formula is always static. But who says math has anything to do with time?
These questions of mine have caused the entire human scientific system to collapse.

So, don't use science to generalize and explain it. We should understand all things in terms of more basic, more widespread phenomena.
So, today, we talk about whether consciousness can change the real world. I think totally. Because that's exactly what happened.
First, the existence of gods and Buddhas can make these things real. Instantly.
Second, consciousness should change the material world. For example, the double-slit interference experiment. The results are different between people observing and not observing. Observation means that consciousness is involved. Not observing means that consciousness is not involved. How can the physical experiment of Zhengda Guangming be directly linked to consciousness? This is the pinnacle of modern science, the double-slit interference experiment. Another window of the universe was pried open.
Third, the human body itself is a system of consciousness. Or just a soul system. Everything is dominated by consciousness. Turn subtle consciousness into words and actions. What is it that changes a world completely? It's the quantum system. And consciousness is quantum consciousness.

Now let's do an experiment, which I did just now. Take a thin wire, 30 cm long, with a key tied to one end. You hold the other end of the line and let the key do a single pendulum motion. You try to sit upright, stay still, relax. Try to be as still as your hands as possible. You can make the key swing from side to side, you can just flip it. And then your mind thinks, swing back and forth with one pendulum, and keep meditating. Mental meditation. You will see that the single pendulum slowly and gradually changes to a circle movement, and then it changes from a circle swing to a back and forth swing. It was done in about 3 minutes.

You do it a few more times. Observe this phenomenon. Or you do it with two people, the others watch, and you mentally meditate. You can also try this person to take the thread and the other person to mentally meditate, which I have not experimented with. You can also mentally meditate on two people in opposite directions and see what the result is.

Why do you mentally swing back and forth, and finally a single pendulum swings from left to right to back and forth? The same goes for operations in the opposite direction.
I also did an experiment, which I just did. Let the single pendulum do the swing from side to side. Then I continued to meditate in my heart, "Swing left and right", and after 3 minutes, it was still swinging left and right.

Ah, this experiment, you can do it right now, a piece of thread, a key, or a ring. Experience this magic.

What does this experiment illustrate? Obviously, you don't find out what else is changing the direction of the swing. When you have something in your heart, your whole body system is what it is. Include your behavioral system. That is, when you are labeled, your body system, your behavior system, will work with that label. The longer the label is applied, the more powerful this magic skill becomes. Power can affect the other side of the earth.
So, when you mentally move from side to side, your hands are already doing very subtle movements from side to side. You just don't know. As a result, the single pendulum swings from back and forth to left and right.

For example, on SpaceX's fourth Starship launch, you will find that as soon as the Starship leaves the launch pad, the Starship will be lifted off diagonally. People all over the world, have been labeled, skewed.
So, this led to the same industry Boeing's Starship, which was repeatedly delayed in launch. After that, he returned to the space station and was delayed several times. I think that the solution to Boeing's problem is to study the launch behavior of Starship from SpaceX. So I think these astronauts and scientists have a skewed label in their hearts. So, everything they do, it's skewed. I don't know yet. As a result, some actions always deviate from the normal action, resulting in systematic errors. It's hard to change the status quo on the fly.

For example, in many international sports competitions. Especially in a single event, if the first athlete accidentally performs abnormally, then the probability of the subsequent athlete accidentally abnormality greatly increases. Especially in ice skating, the first one to fall, the fall consciousness label is formed, and the later movement is far more prone to falling. Therefore, in such sports competitions now, you will only enter the arena when it is your turn, and you will not watch other people's performances before and listen to music alone.
It's the same in soccer, if the opponent scores a goal and then you don't plan to use a foul to stop the opponent's awareness of the goal, then the opponent will still score.

This brings us to the question of who changes whose consciousness. From actively and passively labeling one's own heart to labeling others' psychology. That's a completely different field. Masters are always prone to label newcomers. And it is difficult for newcomers to label the master. Wow, this is an offensive and defensive field. It's a huge field that everyone should be aware of. Therefore, reading Vajra, grasping the truth, and adhering to the truth are all laws in the realm of consciousness.
Very experienced, veteran athletes, it is not easy to be labeled by other athletes on the field who accidentally fall. Especially in the field of frontier exploration, the first time is susceptible to these consciousness labels.

As people get older, they tend to be labeled. And being young and vigorous is not easy to be labeled. Doesn't matter. When you are sick, it is easy for demons to approach you. When the creation reaches a high-level subtle realm, it is easy to have supernatural phenomena. These are the laws and phenomena of consciousness. Or further, it is the phenomenon and law of the soul. Having said all this, this is the tip of the iceberg.
11:00 2024-07-01





难道我们的意识,内心的意识,可以改变世界,该变生活? 这个问题,不论是信神的人,还是不信神的人都想知道。否则我们的梦想可以实现,我们理想可以实现,我们的愿望可以实现。而这些都是意识,内心的意识罢了。可是我们不知道原理啊。我们希望知道原理。




比如科学认为,1+1=2,这确实是成立的。可以科学不能解释,为什么要1+1,为什么要有一个等于号,为什么还有一个2. 这些现象拉在一起就可以成立? 这只是一种记忆罢了。可是等号就是绝对相等的意思啦?为什么要用等号?为什么明明两边是不同的事情,为什么要认为是相等呢?这不是胡扯吗?所以,你会发现,数学是一个胡扯科学。1和2就不同吗。而且1也不存在,宇宙里,哪里有一个单个的1存在呢?都是互相联系的,说1是通过抽象得到的。那么抽象又是什么鬼?拿一个未知的东西抽象在这里唐赛,糊弄人啊?数学之所以能成立,就是因为记忆的缘故。没有记忆了,这些元素都是散落一地的。有什么关系呢?证明数学方程,好像很有用,没有记忆,根本无法成立,可是千百年来,谁认为记忆是数学元素呢?这是一种,所有一切都是在时间内运转的,没有时间,数学是什么呢?一个公式就永远是静止的。可是谁说数学和时间有关系呢?










11:00 2024-07-01




