Summer it is sunny today 2 | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.
















0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.









2024summer在线演说家:我给你很多点赞哦,那时候几乎每天都点赞哦。哎呀,今天終於看到你的更新啦,原來那個弱智平臺不給我推送你的内容啦。哈,開心是發自内心的,你的特點啦。咦!? 被我关注才是幸运的啦,轰隆,幸运之神降临你身边,我啦,一定啦,我会祈祷,念佛啦,你不会啦。呵呵,生日快乐,心想事成!~



2024summer13:summer, are you ok?  trust?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。你家孩子学了达摩已经洗髓功了吗,这才是时髦啊。噢,你家孩子太小哈。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:



























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


We can say that a genuine and concrete article on Buddhism has emerged. Can you be enlightened through the previous article.

And I believe that yoga, or meditation, especially the qigong produced in the past 50 years, is completely beyond what the original meditation can describe. So, I believe that the Bodhisattva Yi Jin Xi Sui Gong is a qigong, not something that can be described by meditation.

Firstly, the universe is empty, and then it develops. Energy emerges from the emptiness, without impurities or impurities, without increasing or decreasing. Then there is material, but material is energy, and energy is material. Only then does it continue to develop, giving rise to the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body. Finally, there are colorful human social phenomena. So the process of learning Buddhism is a pursuit of the origin and fundamental nature of the universe. Because of the origin, everything in front of us has changed. Only with the source can we have you, me, and him. With sentient beings. So, the origin lies in the realm of Buddha, which is the realm of enlightenment. Everything can originate from its source. Everything is opposite to its origin. So, sentient beings invert their dreams and cannot explore their origins. Master the fundamentals. Because the origin is intangible and formless. It is from this intangible and formless form that all things are born, and all the forms in front of it are born. Actually, these phases are different. Because the origin remains unchanged and contains everything.
So, in general, the wisdom of Buddha is that those who have good roots are more likely to recognize the origin, while those who have poor roots are more likely to recognize the surface and the appearance of all things.
However, fundamentally, space and existence are the same in the universe. There is emptiness, there is emptiness. There is also color.
So we can see the timeline system of Buddhism, although Buddha has never said so, the evolution of the universe is like this. It is not static. We understand the realm of Buddhism as the absence of modern scientific discoveries: the universe expanded from the Big Bang. It is temporal, so we can also see a new system of understanding Buddha in three dimensions. Perhaps this is a more precise description of the Buddhist system. Make it easier for us to understand. Although Buddha told us that there are thirty-three layers of sky, which are spatial, in terms of time, we see the existence of material states from the space of the Big Bang to the present. Conversion between empty and some. The future universe will return to great compression, thus transforming from existence to emptiness. And now the theory tells us that our universe will always expand, and there will be no great compression into emptiness in the future. So our universe is very special.
So, there is a discourse on the nature and function of the realm of emptiness, while energy also has a discourse on the nature and function of energy.
For example, wisdom and lack of wisdom are considered indistinguishable by Buddha, and the reason for this is that they are all integrated at the source. For example, there is no difference in the origin between darkness and light, but now we believe that there is a difference, and it is better to have light. It's because we have a sense of difference. We have deviated from the original property system. Contaminated by the image in front of me. Or you may have changed your appearance. Because phase is not phase. The origin is one entity. Always reflect on whether we are in good looks. Have you left your original source------ And this set of rhetoric is also present in human society, not original. So, after listening to me understand the reason, you still need to go back to the origin. Discard these words and language. Language is not language.
In history, Buddhist scriptures have no sense of time, although they have a sense of space. However, throughout the entire history of India, the concept of time has hardly existed. So, we always ask us to reach the other shore at the end, which is actually returning us to the time origin of the Big Bang singularity, when time and space begin to rebuild.
Because even today's humans do not know if the Big Bang singularity is the beginning of time and space. One possibility is that at that time both time and space were zero and empty. But my dream reached the singularity of the Big Bang, and what I saw was a temple covering the singularity of the Big Bang. So, at that time, there was already time and space, but it was an empty realm. It means the possible existence of a circular universe. However, the deity representing the temple always has a starting point in time and space, right? We don't know. The origin of the universe is the highest realm of Buddhism.
I believe that after listening to my discourse in this paragraph, the eminent monk Dade will almost always be enlightened. Because it is very clear. You will clearly see the entire face of enlightenment.

So, the process of our initiation is to seek the feeling and realm of our origin. The process of our yoga is to reflect the state of origin. So all phenomena and phenomena are above the source, jumping out of all phenomena and reaching the source, then you can see clearly and clearly. As the saying goes, I don't know the true face of Mount Lu, only because I am in this mountain. Jumping out of Mount Lu, using a drone to observe from the air, you have jumped out of Mount Lu. Therefore, we can believe that wisdom can be obtained from meditation, and wisdom can be obtained from yoga. It is because both meditation and yoga can stand outside of human society to see human society. Looking at human beings from outside their own systems. This is meditation and yoga. So, meditation and yoga make Buddha enlightened. If the Buddha does not engage in this meditation, then it may be impossible for the Buddha to attain enlightenment. However, after enlightenment, through one's own theories and insights, people can become enlightened without the need for meditation, which is the role of consciousness and language. But we see that those who do not attain enlightenment through meditation and yoga must be people with great roots. In fact, any accumulated experience of these people may lead them to enlightenment. Whether from Buddhist discourse or from experiences of meditation and yoga. However, for those with ordinary roots, we can all achieve enlightenment through yoga and meditation. On the basis of yoga and meditation, we can also read Buddhist scriptures for enlightenment. The combination of the two makes enlightenment easier. Mindfulness is the foundation of enlightenment. If you have no experience of meditation, then you may hear Buddhism, but you may not necessarily have enlightenment. So meditation and yoga are the foundation, which overall enhances our intelligence, making it easy for us to learn and understand the principles.
So, an era of meditation and yoga is the wisest state of this social era. We need all humans around the world to enter a state of enlightenment, and meditation and yoga are necessary long-term tasks. Although my statement can make more people understand. However, by combining meditation and yoga, everyone has reached the upper level of their genetic intelligence. Instead of being in the fog.

Reading my article today is the process of enlightenment, which can be said to be true for everyone. And the more experience you have, the easier it is for you to become enlightened. Combining current cosmological research findings. If you can set yourself in an empty realm, then you must be a big root tool. If you can set yourself in an energy realm, then you can also be considered a big root tool.

Today, I will mainly talk about the second type of enlightenment method I mentioned, which is even better than the ancient methods of meditation and yoga. This is actually Qigong, the Bodhidharma Yijin Wash Marrow Technique. Although in ancient times, there was no concept of qigong. But the effect is already similar to qigong. Especially my Dharma Yijin Xisui Gong explains the mind method entirely using the principle of Qigong. Because the term qigong was invented by martial artists 70 years ago. During their practice, they always feel a sense of qi, and different people have different levels of popularity. People with strong martial arts skills also have a stronger sense of qi. So, people gave this phenomenon a new name, Qigong. From then on, with the name of Qigong, one can infer its true meaning. So, people began to search for the sense of qi to specifically practice it, which became later known as qigong and became popular worldwide. Even the then President of the United States took a photo with a master of qigong, demonstrating the influence of qigong.
The key to qigong is obtaining qi. People who practice martial arts usually feel this aura. But for ordinary people, if they didn't learn Qigong from a young age and practice it, many elderly people would find it difficult to know what Qi sensation is. Of course, after this generation has passed, there will be no elderly people who do not know how to feel.
In fact, there is a kind of hand shaking technique, which is to shake both arms, and you will feel a sense of qi in your arms. The palms and fingers will feel bloated and inflated.
In fact, children, elementary school students, and middle school students will all try this: stand and relax, breathe evenly, or close your eyes, and then face each other with your palms facing each other, feeling a sense of warmth. Then, as you breathe and exhale, slowly pull your palms closer, then inhale and slowly pull them apart, and continue for a while. In this heat, you will feel that there is a ball that seems to be in the middle of your palms, which is the feeling of qi. This feeling of qi is both repulsive and attractive. As long as you try it for the first time, you will have this feeling. You will know what qigong is. I hope every student can practice, learn this method, and experience it.

By transferring this sensation around the eyes, it can prevent myopia. If it is transferred to the lesion, the pain will be relieved. Persisting in practice will lead to recovery. Some see immediate results, and the pain immediately subsides.
Push this aura towards a friend who is far away, even thousands of kilometers away, and then you can treat the friend's illness. Long term exercise can transfer this aura to outer space, call for aliens, and establish contact with aliens from other planets.
This is Qigong. So, qigong can develop wisdom. Improving academic performance is certain. Afterwards, reading Buddhist scriptures is also easy to understand.
The core method representing qigong is the mind technique that I have elaborated on, the Dharma Yijin Washing Marrow Technique. I hope everyone around the world, especially children, will continue to exercise. Developing wisdom and promoting physical fitness.

Some people have great powers through qigong, so they can play the real Santa Claus. Gifts can be given to children through supernatural powers. Can control reindeer to run in the sky. So, Santa Claus can be real. But can you meet a real Santa Claus?

Two Santa Claus in the United States are running for president, with a televised debate starting at 9am local time on June 27th. Previously, I decided my position by flipping a coin. However, when we see football matches between England and Denmark, we find that Danish players have particularly good luck. And England's luck is particularly bad. Most of us don't know why. So, I suggest that, for the sake of fairness, we require mages to do some rituals in the debate venue to ensure that it is not disturbed by external demons. We can invite the protector, Bodhisattva Weituo, to present the Vajra pestle. The purpose of doing this is to make both parties have the same luck. And avoid major disagreements and obstacles in luck.
Although in the past, it was believed that luck was carried by oneself, and no one could do anything about it. But in fact, it may not be like this.

So does every football game require a mage to handle it; Do we need to invite Bodhisattva Weituo and Vajra Vajra to be present? I think this is more fair.

The process of knowing the Buddha is also to know the Buddha first, and only after slowly knowing the Buddha does he slowly know the importance of the Dharma Protector. If there is no Dharma protector, then there will be no one to defend the Dharma and the Dharma, and there will be many evil sects and crooked paths. Let your mindfulness dharma drain away from the real effect. Therefore, those who study Buddhism must pay attention to the importance of the Dharma protector. Buddha is a system, there are Buddhas, and there are four great bodhisattvas, Guanyin Bodhisattva, King Fugen Bodhisattva, Jizo King Bodhisattva, and Manjushri Bodhisattva. Manjushri is the first in wisdom and the first person in the Buddha realm, and many Buddhas are his disciples. Manjushri's mount is a lion, and the magic weapon is a sword. At the same time, we should see that Veda Bodhisattva is the protector of the Dharma. Quite an important link. There are also four Vajra: the Great Buddha Vajra, the Great Sun Rulai Vajra, the Fudo Ming King Vajra, and the Wide-eyed Heavenly King Vajra. And the Great Wisdom Vajra is also the key link, subduing evil and promoting good.
There are also some Dharma protector instruments, vajra, swords, ropes, towers, lutes and so on. It's all about the important details. Pay attention to these Dharma protectors, Dharma weapons, then your good luck will not run away. A lot of good luck. Originally, I only studied Buddhism, and I didn't pay attention to the Dharma Protector. Finding things out always doesn't work out. Bad luck either. Now I suddenly realize that it is because I have not paid attention to the existence and role of the Dharma Protector. Since then, I have been studying Buddhism for several years before I have attained a consummation.
10:09 2024-06-23












10:09 2024-06-23