Summer it is cloudy today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.














0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.












2024summer13:summer, are you ok?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。你家孩子学了达摩已经洗髓功了吗,这才是时髦啊。噢,你家孩子太小哈。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:



























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


The Dharma Yijin Cleansing Gong we are talking about is mainly the mental method. This is a daytime exercise. At the same time, there is also the Dharma I Ching, he said that the eyes contain light, the breath is subtle, the abdomen is wide and empty, and it is appropriate to accept Qingxi. It's an evening practice. At the same time, we also talked about Xingyi Boxing, the basis of which is the standing pile, and the mental method of the standing pile is to clear the void in the abdomen. It's the same as the emptiness of the belly. It can be seen that both have this method and method. It can be said that the two are interconnected.

Next, I would like to invite the moderator to summarize the work and things about the popular science writers forum.

Good. Overall, the popular science writers forum has been a success. Especially the perception of the issue of immigration. There is also the teachings of Amitabha Buddha. It's all good. The Middle East issue, a hot issue for mankind, is deduced, allowing us to see that an invisible fact is a war that cannibalizes human flesh. And the conclusion is also very obvious, that war can make people dementia.

Yes, you summed it up right. All countries that were established by force, for the first 1,200 years, had dementia. This is the law of history. Therefore, the entire civilization of mankind is based on dementia. Because there have been 14,000 wars in recorded human history. It was only after the First and Second World Wars that this changed. Obviously, countries that did not participate in the war appear to be wiser. This is a distinct feature. Thus, humanity came out of dementia.
But, apparently, some countries are in the dementia period after the establishment of armed forces. For example, the exploration of the moon is a matter for all mankind, but it has been nationalized by these countries. I think that the country is human beings, a country with dementia. Therefore, any field of the frontier of humanity that you explore belongs to humanity, not to a certain country. Possession for oneself is a continuation of dementia after the establishment of the country by force.

Aha, science fiction writer, gives so many examples of dementia. I think dementia is tied up by the national mindset. No enlightenment, no enlightenment. Is there a theory of dementia?

For example, if you look at Israel now, retaliating by force, it has red eyes and is completely in a state of human dementia. Whoever says it to him, he will not listen. Completely immersed in the retribution of war. I call this a dementia state. It is an abnormal state of human beings in the country. It turns out that we always say that this is a state of war. Actually, it's not, it's a state of dementia in the brain. It is because the more people you kill, in the realm of consciousness and in the realm of the soul, you will become dementia. This is a self-protection mechanism for biological populations. The longer you have been in dementia, the longer you will be in a state of dementia when you leave the war. It used to be called post-war syndrome.
There is a historical event that in a very primitive place, there is a race that has cannibalism, but in this race, there is a rare form of dementia. After long-term research by scientists, it was found that this is the result of eating human flesh.
However, I developed this theory. For man is made up of body and soul. When there is a massacre, it has already escalated to cannibalism. When there is a massacre, it has already escalated to cannibalism. Some people will say that we really don't eat human flesh. However, your consciousness is already communicating with the other person's consciousness. This kind of communication is the consciousness of killing the other person. Therefore, this matter has risen to the level of soul and consciousness, which is almost equivalent to eating human flesh. Actually, to be precise, it is the consciousness that eats the consciousness. Because I study souls, I can find out about this. People eat people, and there will be dementia. Then consciousness eats consciousness, and there is also a deeper dementia of the soul. This will continue for hundreds of years.

In fact, it's not just Israelis who are suffering from dementia. You see, Russia, North Korea and other countries are in a state of dementia. That is, this dementia exists, they may feel about themselves, they may not feel themselves, but they can't escape from this state. Caught in it and unable to extricate itself. And it is quite sensitive to the causes of dementia. As long as there is a little bit of stimulation, it falls deeper. These countries, countries that cannot be restored to normalcy.

National war dementia is a system that fixes people's thoughts and behaviors into a kind of track, and cannot get rid of it, and cannot become normal human beings. In countries with dementia, they have a common mindset, which is bottom-line thinking. And normal countries, people, generally do not have such thinking. Any problem can be developed and solved. The reason why there is bottom-line thinking, this kind of thinking comes from the state of war dementia, because the result of the war is obvious, victory by force is victory by force, and there is no other option. However, the abundance of human life allows us to see that development can always solve any problem, where is the bottom-line thinking?

So the essence of this dementia is the dementia state of the soul. The body is free and there are no problems. But the soul is in a state of dementia. However, precisely because of the subtle existence of the soul, it can be seen that the impact on the whole people is subtle, but the accumulation is powerful, that is, it is deep in it and cannot come out. I am imprisoned in the development mindset and cannot understand many things. If others talk about it, they will understand it, but if they don't talk about it, then it will always be difficult for them to understand.

So, in such a country, the scope of the soul is very narrow. But for the physical body, it is indeed good. Because it is easy to develop in the field of science and technology with the prompting of others. Results were achieved very quickly. The scope of other people's souls is still very large, so every exploration is infinitely possible, so dealing with a complex system consumes a lot of energy and time. In contrast, these countries with a narrow range of souls, under the prompting of others, are easy to explore in one direction and easy to succeed. Because they have a small imagination and soul space, they won't let them think about more things. However, such poor adaptability allows it to collapse immediately when it is left alone. In areas that no one else has explored, without the prompting of others, it immediately collapses.

At the same time, we see that in places where people are prone to death, ghosts gather in advance to this place. So, you will find that in the war zone, there are a large number of ghosts gathered. People who die in war are not people who die normally. Think about it, it will have a negative impact on normal people. So that the whole area is in a negative state for a long time. This can last for hundreds of years. Of course, this is also a subtle effect. When it accumulates, it's powerful. ---- of course, this is more subtle. Because in any area, there will be people who die, and this is normal. When a husband and wife have copulation, there are a large number of ghosts reincarnated, but they are all fetal souls, and each one is the same as an angel. Therefore, this argument is not a strong support.

Well, you analyzed so much. I think it's important that consciousness eats consciousness, or that soul eats soul. Consistent with your proposed state of dementia by force.
I continue to summarize our popular science writers forum.
There are advantages, but there are still many problems.
The overall framework of the forum was given, but the speakers were too brief. Especially in the original version, Amitabha Buddha only said one sentence, Amitabha. For the Paris Hilton's speech, it did not reach the height of her life at all.

I'm aware of that too. So, I extended the time of the Buddha's teachings. I think Paris Hilton, it's a soul. But this soul is hurt, so the whole life is based on the underlying logic of the whole injury. Everything is based on this logic. Therefore, there is no depth, no elevation, and there is no highness, it is all in a plane of activity and thinking. So, she needs to break through these constraints a little, give up these baggage, and then become the new U.S. presidential candidate. Or she is a doer's life model. It doesn't have to be the way the thinker lives, any idea is implemented quickly. So, what you see her is a giant in action. The depth of thought is not enough. That is, the lack of deep enlightenment. is inseparable from the celebrity effect, and is also imprisoned by celebrity silence. You can't do without money, and you are also imprisoned by money. Maybe you think that this is life, but maybe. As the enlightened person said, the basis of meeting is that I am in a happy state at the bottom of freedom. I was able to meet the people I wanted to meet. Otherwise, strong perseverance meets; Or the subtle idea of meeting, and giving up meeting at the slightest moment. It's all against our happy meeting. Therefore, yoga needs to be exercised, because without yoga exercise, life is on a plane, and with yoga exercise, you will find the truth hidden deep in the surface of society. Of course, some people express it in words, some people express it in deeds, and some people express it in photos, which are all different.

So, how to face the major setbacks in life and let these feelings disappear. Do this mental operation.
Specifically, relax the whole body, in a quiet environment, and then these past things will float out, at this time, we use our own consciousness to make these floating out of the feeling and pain disappear, come out of such a thought, let this thought disappear, you have to see this information like a balloon exploded, or like a gas evaporated, just like that, disappear, in your imagination to do this kind of thought operation. The details of all these things disappeared, emptied, and evaporated one by one. This kind of painful thoughts, feelings, make this feeling, this memory, disappear and empty. Once you've done that, you're in for a treat. Not affected by these setbacks. The whole time, you have also reached the height of the soul.
In the future, when others mention these things, you know about them, but you don't feel pain anymore. That's the magic of this approach. Amitabha, I once exchanged this method for delicious food. You see, this is the true truth of life.

Thank you, popular science writer, this time the popular science writer has performed his method again. Thank you.
Let's go ahead and summarize. There are a lot of people who want to participate in this forum. The customer service department is too busy. We need funding to expand our forums and make the whole system better. So, we need more people, especially those who believe in God, to sponsor our forum. This system must be established. In this way, we will be better able to serve the people who like this forum.
Thus our forum, led by science fiction writers, forms a new industry. It's not just about the psychology that solves your problem. At the same time, it is also a guiding industry for normal people to develop their own potential. Helping you to open the path from the body to the soul.
When you don't know what you're like, you're going to participate in this forum, where science fiction writers can make the most of your genes to the climax. So that you can get important inspiration and wisdom in your life. Of course, we need your sponsorship. We'll post an account in the future, or you can contact us. In fact, the blog of popular science writers has account information at the beginning, an email address, of course, a PayPal account, but it has not been used for a long time. Just tested, this email can be logged in. That is, we can receive your PayPal payment.

Actually, you are an electronic host, how can you be tired. Hehe, but it's good for you to advertise it like this. All-round development is important.

Oh, yes. Or how did those world tycoons come to be?
There is another category of issues in which the Office of the Prime Minister of Japan has provided comments on our forum. In their opinion, such statements by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken should not be made at the forum. Even if he played the role of a head of state. Such remarks will make peaceful people in Japan sad. We have a pacifist constitution. We preside over regional peace. We are located in the seismic zone on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, and earthquakes are frequent. There is more suffering in our country, but we are strong and have formed a tenacious spirit. However, we have also seen that the solutions proposed by science fiction writers to solve the frustrations of life will be advocated to the whole country, so that our country can get out of the frustration and go to the real country of the sun. We also realize that this is a problem that every country on the planet should have. Advancing humanity as a whole.
And we've seen why Secretary Blinken raised this issue. Because hatred has inertia, and when you yourself think it's not like that, its inertia can destroy a nation. So, not recognizing your own country, not recognizing the state of dementia, this is a big unknown. Therefore, while we have good wishes, we should also strengthen our national defense construction. But we still insist on a pacifist constitution. This is our foundation.

Again, the last thing I want to emphasize is that Japan is not Taiwan. Don't confuse the object.It is Taiwan that is going to invade. Hahaha

There's a lot of feedback you've received from your customer service department.
What else?

Well, there is also the choice of the location of the venue. Mars is too far away, and how the two old men in the United States got there has become a question. You're going to solve this problem. Boeing's Starship has just made a successful test flight. However, it is only docked to the International Space Station, and it is still far from Mars.

That's a question. Time travel machines have already existed in the galaxy, and we can borrow their technology. It's just that no one knows about this issue. It's hard to get in touch with these people who use space-time machines. But I'll find this intermediary linker. So going to Mars is simple and easy. As for the Grand Canyon of Mars, the central, circular dungeon, this has long been established by interstellar travelers. It's just that we earthlings don't know.

Oh, that's right. Got it. Who is this intermediary? Well, that's all for today.
10:46 2024-06-15






















10:46 2024-06-15